“ Just a reminder, in law Black and White has nothing to do with - TopicsExpress


“ Just a reminder, in law Black and White has nothing to do with skin color, they represent a status, classification and identification. If a business is in the black, does that means its a black business? No, it means that business is profitable. If the business is in the red, does that mean its a red people business or redneck business? No, it means its in debt. Why did Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz have red shoes? What year did the movie come out and what change was her shoes representing? In the book, her shoes color changed from an original color. So we must understand context, subject matter and condition in how words are applied. Our people make the mistake of thinking all words apply to all arenas, thats the first mistake. Which is why pale and dark people think they are a color only; not knowing that roles have been switched, and impersonation is going on. So a Citizen with a big C is not the same as a citizen with a small c as shown in the U.S. Constitution; there is a difference between an artificial person and natural person, there is a difference between you as John/Jane Doe and JOHN/JANE DOE on your bank card, bill statement, I.D. etc without having your information corrected for the record. Having the privilege to vote through an amendment that have to be renewed every 25 years and having, which means its NOT a right, and the feeling of being free is not freedom. Modern slavery exist, its called being a corporate slave. No that does not mean people who work in a corporation, that means a corporation that has you as property and business. If the 14th Amendment is how the majority of people are allegedly citizens, then why did the Supreme Court agreed that corporation businesses are now considered 14th Amendment citizens? - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood Anything clicking yet? Take a look again at your human resource department. When someone is going to commit suicide, and they stop them, why do they arrest and charge the individual? Why dont they get the individual help instead? Thats because the individual is a caretaker of a property, they were going to damage the corporation goods, you in ALL CAPITAL letters. Making sense yet? Welcome to the Matrix. You think the police feel your human if your status has not changed? You dont have a proper nationality or government to back you up and you feel you have rights? Oh, you think your an actual True Citizen thats why? Youll get more reminders soon that your not free and not a true Citizen since you may have forgotten about the past events in the news, you know, the ones people huff and puff and get mad about, as soon as a few days and weeks pass its back to the sport games and reality shows. Are those Trayvon Martin hoodies many was wearing still dusty? Solution: moorishamericannationalrepublic
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:01:05 +0000

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