“Just imagine if John Wesley and Charles Finney did the VERY - TopicsExpress


“Just imagine if John Wesley and Charles Finney did the VERY SAME THING with people who opposed them. Calvinists would be salivating with delight, hypocritical judgment and accusation. So, is it the times we live in that dictate whether we obey the Bible, or is it the Bible in ANY age that decides this? According to James White, Calvin and others: its medieval, torch wielding hypocrites (who are doing the very same things the Catholic church did to them) who decide this. We shouldnt condone or vote for someones murder NO MATTER if the laws of our day are in agreement with us or not. The issue isnt was Servetus a heretic. The issue is MURDER IS WRONG AND GOD NEVER APPROVES OF IT. Why not rather suffer the persecution of the heretic than to return evil for evil? Where is there to be found even an inkling of turn the other cheek in this matter? Calvin was no different than Saul of Tarsus casting his vote for the execution of Stephen...except for the fact Calvin claims he was regenerated and Paul clearly was not. Worldly or even so called Protestant governing bodies are NOT our conscience...nor is their approval or disapproval the deciding factor in what is right and what is wrong. And no, I am not an Arminian with an axe to grind. I am merely a Bible believing saint who can see both sides of the equation from the outside-in. Calvin was wrong. And so are the people who try to disassociate Calvin from something he was well associated with, even though he didnt start the fire (Paul never cast a single stone at Stephen either). No, being a murderer doesnt necessarily mean your doctrine is all wrong. And likewise, NOT being a murderer doesnt mean your doctrine is all right. But if I knew a local pastor (whose doctrines were ALL right) condoned the executions of those who opposed him, I must say Id be sick to my stomach over the matter-----and I certainly wouldnt sit under his teaching in ANY capacity. I would much rather sit under the ministry of someone who hasnt got it all together, doctrinally speaking-----that doesnt murder those who oppose his perfection. Kind of a simple rule to live by isnt it? If you wouldnt sit under the ministry and teaching of a modern teacher who condones murder...why would you sit under the ministry of a man, who lived centuries ago, that did? But, its a scary thought to ponder; There are some people living today, who claim to be Christian, and a partaker of the Divine nature (does that nature condone murder) who would more than likely have no problem whatsoever, sitting under the teaching and ministry of a murderer...so long as they were Calvinist and had all of their doctrinal ducks in a row. Lord help this blind generation who heaps teachers to their itching ears. P.S Wouldnt it be easier for you Calvinists just to admit he was wrong? Did he die for your sins? If admitting he was wrong, are you any less forgiven of your sins? #iamofpaul #iamofcephas #heroworship ” Steve Rau https://youtube/watch?v=86r48x_fiF0&lc=z12dzvqyqoiqszcow04ci1hgmom5u35asu40k
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:46:17 +0000

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