L Louis Lancaster Upon review . . ayup a Ramblert - TopicsExpress


L Louis Lancaster Upon review . . ayup a Ramblert Advisory has been issued . Teaddled, spundumbed and submissionists and New American Tories tend to get sunk Straights of Sanity donchya see. -[Serendip is astride her Flutterby Monty and have taken me back to Montys favorite meadow. Filled with the flowers of Freedom, Liberty, Justice and Equity. That have come to the brink of extinction in recent years. -[ Hmm to ramblert a ramblert is . . . Loki!!. . . . ] --------- The inverse relationship speaks out loud, The facts in evidence confirm, and reality does not leave any wriggle room. There are some #1s of the World which should not be aspired to. No matter how munch [] more profiteering it adds to the lard-arsed Lucifers Lucre Lusting addicted Bishops and Barons von ALEC hell bent on turning US into a two point five class society controlled by the Bishops and bled by the Barons. Ill go out on a limb here as Ive never dug too deeply into it. BUT! I will suggest that the reason we have so many undocumented, former citizens from Mexico is that the Dons never allowed the Medieval Income Disparities to evolve. Also the force driving the B&Bs urge to purge US of any semblance of a Democratic Capitalism economy. Ya see having the largest chunk of a society educated and skilled and receiving their rightful share of the Wealth produced by their labors and a New Theocratic American Aristocracy CAN NOT OCCUPY THE SAME POINT AS THE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS CONSTITUTION. Call it the Law of Physics as applied to societies and cultures. Ive said before that the Barons would bring all of USs jobs back to US as soon as but not before theyve broken USs spirit to the point of being thankful for minimum waged jobs. And thanks to the machinations of ALEC s have resulted in Prison Industries , once restricted to products for government agencies ie desks chairs and such, now turning out consumer goods at slave wages and zero health care costs and virtually no absenteeism . We are watching more and more smaller makers of consumer goods unable to compete if they still retain their ethics and fiduciary moralities. So, perhaps We the People should form a united force and battle the Barons and Bishops on both sides of our Southern Border simultaneously. Using Civil Disobedience as our weapon. I wont claim that Thoreau was the first to conceive CD but he was the first to put it in writing. And then one hundred plus years later Gandhi proved it by defeating the strongest Imperialist Nation in history the British Commonwealth.. CD also played a major role in bringing the VN war to an end . . finally. [Question begging: Then why is US still fighting an even longer war on two fronts? ]. I truly believe that by focusing USs efforts and monies trying to stem the tide of illegal aliens fleeing economic oppression at the source we could kill two birds, -[and create a bunch of Catatonic B&B Covens. operating within Regulations. Regulations have never been preemptive in this country. theyve always been reactive. Same with most of our laws by the by.] I know for certain that the B&Bs know that what Im saying it undeniably true too. Why do you think that theyve so demonized, demoralized and created laws written to outlaw Collective Bargaining and creating right to work laws which basically castrate the once powerful force which created the first, the largest and the most productive middle class
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:31:48 +0000

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