*LEI a exécuté 100 jihadistes étrangers voulant fuir les - TopicsExpress


*LEI a exécuté 100 jihadistes étrangers voulant fuir les combats* Selon des membres du groupe Etat islamique à Raqqa (Syrie), une police militaire a été créée pour soccuper des combattants étrangers tentant de déserter les combats. ***************************************** You have reached the cached page for @[NjQyMTgzOTU5MjA4MTA3Omh0dHBcYS8vd3d3LmJsYXppbmdjYXRmdXIuY2EvMjAxNC8xMi8yMC9yZXBvcnQtaXNsYW1pYy1zdGF0ZS1oYXMtZXhlY3V0ZWQtMTAwLWZvcmVpZ24tamloYWRpcy13aG8tdHJpZWQtdG8tcmV0dXJuLWhvbWUvOjo=:blazingcatfur.ca/2014/12/20/report-islamic-state-has-executed-100-foreign-jihadis-who-tried-to-return-home/] Below is a snapshot of the Web page as it appeared on 20/01/2015. This is the version of the page that was used for ranking your search results. The page may have changed since it was last cached. To see what might have changed (without the highlights), go to the current page. You searched for: should returning Jihads be executed We have highlighted matching words that appear in the page below. *Report: Islamic State Has Executed 100 Foreign Jihadis Who Tried To Return Home* NB: Google Translate: The jihadist group Islamic State (EI) has executed its 100 foreign fighters who were trying to leave the Syrian city of Raqqa, said Saturday in the “Financial Times” an activist opposed to the Syrian regime and IS. The Financial times story is behind a paywall.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:06:54 +0000

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