~LIKE and SHARE, COPY and PAST~ This very well may have been a - TopicsExpress


~LIKE and SHARE, COPY and PAST~ This very well may have been a waste of time, But time is an institution, and Im not part of it. ha ha. This angel is inside me, expressing anger and its fury! with resentment towards god, omnipresent isnt present so how can life be pleasant, The superficial demons saying buy a Christmas peasant. Your all talking about nothing because the media made it something. you forgot the literature so how can you be sure that that something isnt nothing. sitting in your bedroom wondering why your god just left you. This must sound ridiculous. your comfort got you thinking, thinking that your wise, or is that a mask because the state got ya brain and wearing you as a disguise, that you cant even see without someone elses eyes. . All the people, All manipulated but dont feel humiliated. this program they just modulated is about to be demodulated. Your Minds are absent memories, replaced,... fictitious histories. now your occupied with lost spirit and material suicide. your not meant to pay people, God gave us life. This life is a free ride. Forget about the Notes and all the legal tender, send that shitty paper straight back to the lender. Crashing this whole system like its hyper inflation. Forcing out the banksters with our Global initiation. WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE ARE LEGION WE DO NOT FORGIVE, WE DO NOT FORGET FALL RIVER EXPECT US! The mask is off. It is time for the people to wake up. It is time for the citizens of This country and around the world to stand up and TAKE BACK THE POWER! It is time for the ones who think they have all the answers, because there ego is too far up there ass for them to look at the future without self interest, to step down and give freedom back to the people! NO MORE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK!!! Give city hall back to the PEOPLE. Lets be honest with ourselves. How many decisions do we really get to make in government? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT AND UNDERSTAND!! How many laws are passed every year that the people dont get to vote on? That is your right, to vote on EVERY SINGLE LAW THAT PASSES, passes to congress, the state DOES NOT tell us what we can and can not VOTE ON. That was in place to keep our government limited. That is voting rights, not what we have now, Privilege. These laws are passed by people who have interest, and profit from the state being able to prosecute the people for violations. violations of what? NOT LAW you get a fine for a breach of contract.Its a penalty sort of speak. In order for you to break the law, there needs to be INJURY or HARM to another body or property. If they want you to surrender your right, for a privilege they have to pay you for it. That is the LAW. we never agreed to surrender our rights for any government privilege in any contract knowingly did we!!!?? if you are a lawyer and you are claiming this is not true, Then you do not have any clue as to where the law in the united states derives its authority, IT IS NOT FROM THE GOVERNMENT!!! it is the PEOPLES right to decide what is law, through custom and individual well being!!!! In ANY part of the WORLD!!! That is freedom. Now that you know this , you can see how the state and federal government has duped the people through confusing legislation. Dont forget, the only reason the law is so confusing is not because it is complicated, but because they want you to think that it is impossible to learn. But you already know it, it is internal moral instinct. That is the law. The golden rule sort of speak. That is the only law people must follow and if they do then the world will flow and thrive naturally. Life is uncertain because the system manipulating the life on this planet is uncertain. ONLY WE CAN CHANGE THAT! Most lawyers dont go to law school to study law, They go to learn the civil and administrative procedures that confuse the people. Most think they are learning the law, when really there just reading legislature. Not law. Law is common among men/women alike.! when you come to terms and you realize that morality is the absolute justice in the law, you begin to see how upside down the legal system is. It is hell. When did we forget this? when the state told us to and replaced morality with evil tender! so how can we go about taking back our justice system. Go back to the law, and get rid of all the corrupt legislature that the courts are using to strangle hold the people for there money? How many people have lost there license and couldnt make it to work. Or lost a job from speeding tickets, or a DUI that was obviously not endangering anyone. HOW MUCH STRESS does that create in family, in your home. We have all been subjected to the criminal courts that completely violate DUE PROCESS. Enforcing legislation. The enforcement of this legislation is NOT Due process. actually , title 18 section 242 states exactly what the fine is if one man or person of the STATE violates a right of a citizen or a contract with another man or person residing within the state (de jure state). $500,000! if injury accrues. that is including emotional stress from threat of force or intimidation tactics like let us arrest you or we will taze you. or not complying when you ask them a question. Lawyer dont want you to know this, then they will be out of a JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! SO.... Why dont we put all of this into action and sue the Government?. ALL THE PEOPLE!!!! ANYONE who has been subject to the unlawful and injustice that has been forced on to the people through means of oppression, fear and coercion. This includes people who have lost a license for not being able to afford to pay a ticket. The state has no immunity when rights violations are involved. NONE WHAT SO EVER! it is only when it is known without a reasonable doubt that the state is acting in the full faith and interest of the people. NOT PEOPLE WORKING AS ITS ADMINISTRATORS or AGENTS. When the TINIEST bit of corruption surfaces, it is the peoples duty to over throw the government, and reform for the best interest and well being of the people. oppressed by it. Weather you want to accept this or not is up to you. I and many many others already have. (LOCAL) The economy on a local level is an easy fix, just as Mr Anderson spoke of in the debate, it is not rocket science. The city has been in political turmoil for decades, as has the rest of the country. It is NOT because our government is doing the BEST IT CAN!!! Not even close! With all the people in the world The ones that we have running the country and FALL RIVER are the ones you want to trust????!!! Did We Really elect them?!! seriously?!! we are that stupid?!!! Im not that stupid, I didnt vote any of these people in to office. WHEN YOU KNOW FOR A FACT!!!!!!!! Just by the actions of the police departments, and especially the Mayor of Fall River that the government is corrupt yet.... we expect to have a healthy economy and good moral standard in our social status of the society that elected such behavior in the city? I dont think it works like that. The economy is based on its commodities and fall river has NONE so if you want to build the economy discharge the peoples dept, and then allow the community to rebuild itself. socially and morally. If the right leadership was in place then this would happen naturally. Currently There is a man accused of intimidating a city counsel member, a great counsel member at that with intimidation and a gun!!! That man is representing the people??!! HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN GONE A LONG TIME AGO!!! Just because the accusations are there. He is not a citizen, he is a civil servant, he doesnt have rights WE DO!!!! He has privileges and immunities that he LOST.!. SOME people STILL want to see him get back in office. and this is not meant to be insulting but those people most likely are not reading and comprehending anything I have to say here. Not because lack of intelligence but moral responsibility.. It isnt about weather or not you like the man in office, it is a matter of weather he is doing the best that can be done for the people. If you honestly think that this is it.. Then you are the problem. Because you feel a personal connection to someone isnt reason to let them destroy the social health of the people. they feel like they are friends with the mayor. IM sorry to all you souls who have been mislead by the demon that is currently holding office. But DO not be strayed. Anonymous is here to help. I am willing to volunteer my time to anyone who is interested in sitting down and going over different modes of rebuilding and redeveloping the social, moral and financial (financial is the easy part, anyone who knows how the banking system works knows that it isnt the problem with the economy, and if you dont know that, you dont know how the banking system works in the united states and throughout the world) destruction that the last many mayors have reaped over the people of this once beautiful city. SO LETS TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:52:28 +0000

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