★ LIST OF ANTONYMS ★Above – below Attack – defend - TopicsExpress


★ LIST OF ANTONYMS ★Above – below Attack – defend Ability – inability Advance – retreat Adversity – prosperity Arrival – departure Ancient – modern Arrest – release, free Ascent – descent Acquit – convict Acceptance – rejection Armament – disarmament Absurd – reasonable Ample – meagre Advantage – disadvantage Agree – disagree Angel – devil Absence – presence Bottom – top Broad – narrow Buy – sell Blunt – sharp Busy – idle Beautiful – ugly Blessing – curse Bravery – cowardice Belief – disbelief Beneficial – harmful Barren – fertile Beginning – end Barbaric – civil Boon – bane, curse Better – worse Cheerful – gloomy Concord – discord, disagreement Complicated – simple Cautious – negligent Consent – dissent Confess – deny Compare – contrast Courageous – timid Care – neglect Creation – destruction Confidence – diffidence Civilized – uncivilized, wild Cause – effect Certain – uncertain Credit – cash Converge – diverge Docile – stubborn Deep – shallow Friendly – hostile Foolish – wise False – true Guest – host Gain – loss Grateful – ungrateful General – particular Genuine – spurious Humility – insolence Heaven – hell Honour – shame, dishonour Hope – despair Heredity – environment Humble – proud, haughty Honest – dishonest Import – export Include – exclude Increase – decrease Innocent – guilty Initial – final Inhale – exhale Justice – injustice Junior – senior Joy – sorrow Knowledge – ignorance Kind – cruel Like – dislike Literate – illiterate Logical – illogical Lack – abundance Legitimate – illegitimate Lend – borrow Material – spiritual Maximum – minimum Mortal – immortal Miser – spendthrift Merit – demerit Mourn – rejoice Noble – ignoble Natural – unnatural, artificiaL Oral – written Dead – alive Dull – bright, interesting Defence – offence Domestic – wild Deficit – surplus Deposit – withdraw Dwarf – giant Demand – supply Defeat – victory Difficult – easy Desolate – inhabited Distress – comfort Dynamic – static Diminish – increase Death – life Defensive – offensive Dependent – independent Dry – wet Exterior – interior Examiner – examinee Expedite – delay Ebb – flow Enjoyment – suffering Early – late Economical – extravagant Encourage – discourage Earn – spend Entrance – exit Failure – success Frank – reserved Freedom – slavery Fame – obscurity Front – back Frown – smile Far – near Fortune – misfortune Full – empty Fine – coarse Fresh – stale Flexible – rigid Friend – enemy Firm – infirm Foreign – native Order – disorder Optimistic – pessimistic Patriot – traitor Peace – war Pain – pleasure Praise – blame Punishment – reward Progressive – orthodox Polite – rude, impolite Plenty – scarce Proud – humble Pure – impure Poverty – affluence Permanent – temporary Proper – improper Private – public Quiet – noisy Religious – secular, irreligious Raw – ripe Rational – irrational Reveal – conceal Remember – forget Satisfied – dissatisfied Servant – master Sacred – profane Superiority – inferiority Sweet – sour Solid – liquid Slow – fast, prompt Strange – familiar Standfast – fickle Smooth – rough Safe – unsafe Strong – weak Soft – hard Thick – thin Tragedy – comedy Transparent – opaque Top – bottom Unity – diversity Virtue – vice Voluntary – compulsory Vague – definite Victory – defeat Violent – non-violent Wisdom – folly Wild – tame, domestic Win – lose
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:35:13 +0000

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