🔴🔴LONG POST ALERT🔴🔴 Depression has no boundaries, - TopicsExpress


🔴🔴LONG POST ALERT🔴🔴 Depression has no boundaries, it can affect the young and the old, the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor. It doesnt care where you live, what gender or what race you are. IT AFFECTS ALL WALKS OF LIFE!! Lets take the blinders off and realize that depression and its hold on people and families is a real problem that shouldnt be a dark secret. I have often heard people say I just dont understand why people think killing themselves is the answer , how selfish and what a coward. I usually dont say anything because I have been that person, the person who thinks it would be better to die then exist in a shell of person, pretending that everything is ok. While I agree there are a ton of heartbroken people left in the wake of suicide...I have to believe they usually think they are doing you a favor by removing themselves and their struggles from you. In those last moments, you think to yourself...they dont need to be embarrassed by me anymore, they wont need to worry about me anymore, I will finally be free from me. My heart always breaks a little when I hear that some has taken their life, because I think to myself it gets better, then I have to remember back to when I was struggling, I couldnt see things ever getting better. For me, it all changed the moment that Jordan was placed in my arms, I knew that no matter how depressed I ever, how badly I ever wanted to die that it was no longer an option, I have to be around for this boy. That I would fight my depression demons and recognize the symptoms and seek treatment before I ever tried to take my life again. I will not lie, there have been times its a fleeting thought but then I get a glimpse of one of my boys and I know I have to fight for them. I cant tell you how many times I heard the following statements when I was battling my depression at its worst... ➡️You dont look depressed, I would have never guessed it...because you know all depressed people walk around crying and drawing attention to themselves because if you laugh or smile then you arent really depressed. ➡️how can you be depressed, you have so many people that love you...it has nothing to do with people loving you or showering you with affection ➡️everyone has problems and struggles, why cant you deal with yours like everyone else does...unless you know what its like dont ask dumb questions like this ➡️but depressed people stay in bed for months and you are out of bed and dressed... Correct, some people do struggle getting out of bed, but for me work was always my distraction, it gave me something to focus on taking care of those elderly people who depended on me I guarantee you, no two people on the planet experience the same struggles with depression. Which is why we shouldnt pass judgment on those battling depression. So please, dont judge your family, friends, co-worker or anyone you know battling depression. Most of us dont know why we are the way we are, and of course if we knew how to fix it we would!! Its not a choice we make. Just because someone who struggles with depression laughs or smiles when you see them doesnt always mean that they are cured or that everything is ok. I spent years making sure I hid my depression because I was ashamed. Ashamed that I didnt know how to handle my problems. Thankfully, I am one of the lucky ones who has found a balance between exercise and medication. I tried to be without medication when I became active, but I wound up in my physicians office telling her I am staring to notice I want to sleep more, I am irritable.... I am having am not ashamed to say that I will be on an anti-depressant the rest of my life, because maybe someone will read this and realize its ok to admit that you need help. #depressionisreal #thereishelp #iamafighter #notashamedanymore
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:09:22 +0000

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