***LONG POST ALERT*** I have been getting a lot of people - TopicsExpress


***LONG POST ALERT*** I have been getting a lot of people asking me about my success as a beachbody coach...How I replaced my wifes income so she could stay at home with the kids. How I got my blog to a point where it gets over 100K new visitors per month. How I have developed such a successful youtube channel. Ya those things are all great, but what people DONT see is how many times I failed during the journey. A lot of people think that success is something that is achieved in a moment or with some brilliant idea that sparks a complete shift of the planets...but success is NOTHING miraculous! Success is the sum of countless small decisions that gradually bring you closer to your goal... If your goal is to lose 50lbs, then the success lies in your consistency with which you track your nutrition on a daily basis. It has to do with whether or not you get your workout in each day. It has to do with saying no to things that dont get you closer to your goal no matter how difficult that decision was. There is no solution pill or powder. Its about your daily choices. Its the same thing with beachbody coaching. If you want to build a business with a solid foundation that can support lofty goals, then it needs to be focused on adding value to the lives of others. You cant just expect to hop in and start earning a 6-figure income just because YOUR coach is earning that. Your success is the sum of your actions. You need to be building relationships with people on a daily basis. You need to be leading by example on a daily basis. You need to be adding value to the lives of others on a daily basis. There is no magical marketing tactic or system that is going to turn it all around for you. Do I know some things about marketing? ...yes. Did I before I started? ...no! I wanted the ability to reach and inspire more people so I learned how! ...success is in the ordinary actions that you do daily, on a consistent basis. It lies within your ability to keep moving forward after each failure. Its in your attitude towards those failures - you can let them bring you down, or you can embrace them as a learning experience! The only reason people fail is because they quit! Building a successful Beachbody business is about your passion for helping others and an unquenchable desire to achieve your goals AND NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME FROM ACHIEVING MINE! There is no secret...There is only your belief and will to succeed. When your reason to succeed become BIGGER than your reason to quit...Thats when you will begin to see change!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 23:36:01 +0000

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