***** LONG POST WARNING**** IM GONNA BE 1000% HONEST WITH YOU ALL. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR ANYONE WHO CAN SEE THIS That Means YOU SCROLLING. Hello! Theres something EXTREMELY important I need you to UNDERSTAND About Me: I Am A FLESH And BLOOD LIVING HUMAN BEING. I Like What I Like, I Dont Like What I Dont Like. I Believe What I Believe, and I dont Believe what I dont Believe. I Am Who I Am. Theres No Need To Lie: Im on here For 2 Reasons 1. Networking 2. Interacting With Human Beings On A Human Level I know they both seem like pretty obvious reasons, but I dont think most people quite understand. 1. Networking: I Reach Out To People Wanting To Build Together. Or I Just Plain Spread The Word On Something I Believe in. If You Have Something, I WILL check it out. If You Throw a show, Event, Function of ANY KIND, I try and Most of The Time WILL Show Up, If you Drop Music, I WILL listen and Most likely WILL share and Let People Know About It cause its DOPE. PERIOD. No strings Attached. If you have Business Ideas, philosophies, schools of thought, I question you on them or hold a Dialogue with you. 100% of The Time. Whether you are familiar with me or Not. I engage you and follow up, often times trying to see If a rapport can be built and if through similar ideas or mutual goals and interests great things can be accomplished. Thats What Networking Is. 2. Interacting With Human Beings On a Human Level This Is The One That Throws People Off A lot. EVEN if you dont have anything to Network with on ANY professional level, It STILL Doesnt Matter To Me. I WILL STILL REACH OUT TO YOU. YES! YOU! If Youre On My Friends List, I WILL Attempt to Interact With You at EVERY level at SOME POINT IN TIME and for NO other reason other than the fact that you, like me ARE A HUMAN BEING. That Is All it Takes. Thats Enough Reason For Me. I dont add People to Pile up my Friends List with People I have NO intention on interacting with whatsoever in some attempt to seem popular or feign celebrity. Thats stupid to me. I add to reach out on a basic Human Level. Period. For some reason thats strange to people, but whats Strange to ME is that SOOO many people all Love Claiming To Be Liberal, Awakened, Open Minded, Free Thought, Forward, Progressive Thinkers, governed by Love and Unity Yet still clique up with the same familiar people everywhere they go, never step out of comfort zones, pre-judge or so easily second guess or are frightened at the possibly that there exists a type of person that can generate interest in you as a Person; With No Ulterior Motives; Based Solely on the Fact that You Are A Fellow Living Human….and That Being Enough. Well People Like That Exist. And I Am One of Them. I PROMISE you: IF. YOU. CAN. SEE. THIS. MESSAGE. ON. YOUR. TIMELINE. I Am 100% Aware of YOU and YOU WILL ENCOUNTER ME ON A HUMAN LEVEL AND IT WILL BE BECAUSE I MADE A CONSCIOUS EFFORT TO DO SO. I WILL INTERACT WITH YOU ON PURPOSE. Now Im not saying lower your guard, get caught slipping or be naive, Im Just Saying That You Need To Understand that You Are Dealing With A Real Live Flesh And Blood Human Being. Me reaching Out Doesnt Mean that Rapport will happen or that We Will Even Like Each other…nor do we have to. But I Will Interact With You. So If You added Me or I added you and You Accepted. Be 100% Aware of Who And What Youre Dealing With. With That Being Said. My Name Is Kasey Khama and Its A Pleasure to Meet You.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 03:15:01 +0000

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