#LOVE THE SUNNAH OF LOVE by Yahya Adel Ibrahim Part 1 Ali - TopicsExpress


#LOVE THE SUNNAH OF LOVE by Yahya Adel Ibrahim Part 1 Ali raḍyAllāhu anhu came home one day from a journey that he had been dispatched on by the Prophet Muhammed ṣallallāhu alayhi wa sallam, to find his wife, Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet, radiya Allahu anha brushing her teeth with a siwak – twig of an Arak (Salvadora persica) tree used for brushing teeth. Spontaneously, he, raḍyAllāhu anhu, spouted out poetic endearment: هنئت يا عود الأراك بثغرها … أما خشيت يا أراكُ أراك لو كان غيرك يا سواك قتلته … ما فاز منى يا سواكُ سواك Fortunate are you O twig of the Arak tree, Have you no fear of me observing you in this embrace If it were other than you…O Siwak! I would have killed you! None found this fortune of embrace before me, but you. I get emailed & facebooked often from couples trying to salvage and mend broken trust and exponentially inhospitable relationships. I usually respond within a couple of weeks, detailing my unwillingness to “counsel” from a virtual distance that begets unilateralism. Horror stories of infidelity, violence, and arrogance abound. Naturally, there is no greater issue facing the Muslim communities of the West that is more pressing and multidimensional than that of family relations. The statistics are frightening, imams are untrained in effective counseling methods, mosques are under pressure, Islamically-oriented marital counselors are unheard of and professionalism in terms of confidentiality seem non-existent. An important dimension of domestic marital problems, as I see, is that the Sunnah of Love and Gallantry seems to be overlooked or dismissed as a long-gone era. The Sunnah, that is taught at times, seems to overlook amazing instances of passion, valor, fidelity and sacrifice in the name of true love. Instances from the life of the Prophet sala Allahu alihi wasSalaam and his companions builds a comprehensive system of devotion – a Sunnah of Love.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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