“Learning the difference between, falling into the illusion of - TopicsExpress


“Learning the difference between, falling into the illusion of power … and learning to use the power of the illusion.” Las Vegas, NV 8-1-98 Monologue B: All right I’ll say good day to you this day of your time how are you all? Audience: Great, Perfect, etc… B: Once again we take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you first of all for allowing this transmission to occur in this manner and through this particular window on this day of your time. Each and every time you allow such a transmission to be conducted a link is formed, a bridge is built between our perspective realities and we get to experience through our interactions with each and everyone of you more and more perspectives, more and more facets, more and more aspects of the Infinite and more and more points of view of creation. And this expands our understanding of all that creation can be and so we thank you for this gift of sharing. We would like to begin this transmission with the following idea. We would like to remind each and every one of you individually and collectively, altogether, about an idea that we will call “Learning the difference between, falling into the illusion of power, the difference between that, and learning to use the power of the illusion.” Many individuals on your planet, for quite some time, have fallen under the illusion of power. Thinking that power exists in the outside world and must be, in a sense, harvested, must be attained, achieved. That things, circumstances, situations, even people, must be somehow manipulated, controlled, brought into the position that you desire them to be brought into in order to achieve a certain thing. Many individuals have fallen under this illusion of power, and of course the result has been a great deal of strife, separation, segregation, pain, suffering and so forth. But now, many individuals are beginning to awaken from the illusion of power, and are beginning to be able to actually use the power of the illusion. They are beginning to understand that physical reality doesn’t really exist outside you. That you are physical reality, it exists within you. That the power of the illusion is in learning that it is, in a sense, an illusion. Learning that that’s what reality is. And in learning that it is manufactured in a sense, within you, learning the means by which this is done, learning the means by which you can change it, internally, by changing yourself. And understanding that as you change yourself, so you change the entire world, for each and every change is a total change, not just a small change but a total change. And when you know, that physical reality is a mirror, a reflection, of your strongest beliefs, your strongest thoughts, what you believe is possible, most likely to occur, then you can use the outer mirror illusion reflection, as a guide line, a marker, a reminder, [of] what kind of thoughts you are having, what kind of definitions you are believing, what kind of concepts you are buying into. And you can use it as a feedback system to show you, whether or not you prefer to maintain those beliefs and those definitions. And if not, then to learn to change them and to see the outer reality reflection change along with the change within you. But as we have said before, and this is one of those, what you call in your language, catch-22’s, is the idea that, it must be an unconditional change, must be an unconditional internal change. Which is another way of saying that if you make a condition, of changing in other words you say, “I will change IF I get then the response I want to get.” Then you are making it conditional and you are still putting the power outside yourself. You’re still projecting outside yourself and saying that the power of change comes with the outside, comes with the change in the outside, rather than simply determining that the change has happened within you. And that you are who you want to be for its’ own sake. Regardless of what goes on around you. In other words that’s the secret of true change - is that you will change and will behave differently than you did before, even if the outside reflection is still the same. When you can be that, when you can behave differently than you did before even when the outside hasn’t changed, then, then you have really changed. And when you then have really changed, the outside has no choice, as a reflection, like in a mirror, but to change, to mirror you. But if you do it to get the change, you short-circuit it, and it will not happen. Because you make it conditional. That’s the power of the paradox in this situation. And the power of the paradox between the difference of the illusion of power and using the power of the illusion. Now when we say illusion, again understand, in your semantics, in your language, that’s what reality is - it doesn’t mean that there is no reality. Except that there is no reality, except what you define it to be. But that’s what reality is. We are not saying it doesn’t exist, but we are saying simply that reality is only the definitions you bring to the forefront of your belief system structure and that forms the reflection, the illusion if you wish, that you see, that you perceive all around you. Now again, remember, this is not just a philosophy. This is physics. You are energy. Energy is information. You are patterns of information. You are a perspective. You are a point of view. Of consciousness, of awareness, of Existence itself. That’s what each and everyone of you are. A point of view. And as you design and define your point of view of who and what you believe yourself to be, or who and what you believe yourself capable of being, that’s what you get reflected. It may not always be a one to one reflection literally, it may be quite symbolic because the reality mirror, the illusion is in that sense capable of reflecting back to you in many symbolic ways, the representative of many states and levels of your consciousness, your emotional self, your spiritual self, your mental self, your bodily self. There are many different ways that your mirror has of reflecting back to you those symbols that are representative of the beliefs you hold most true. And so it is up to you to be imaginative, to be able to learn to interpret your own reality around you - the things that you see, the people that you meet, all have significance. There are no accidents in that sense. It is a type of orchestration, a choreography. And it is up to you to let it in, in your heart, your mind, your spirit, your body, let it in, to be open to what your reality has to say to you, to what your reflection is showing you about yourself, so that you can learn to truly master the power of the illusion, instead of being the slave to the illusion of power - that many of you in your society have succumbed to for thousands of your years. This is what this transformation is all about, that’s going on in consciousness on your world - the awakening, the opening up of your self to more of your Self. The realization, the Real-I-zation, of who and what you really are, what you’re really created to be, and thus the total surrender, that is to say, total acceptance of your self. So that reality can show you, who you actually are, rather that playing the illusion game, of who you think you’re supposed to be. Which only has you running around in circles, and tiring you out. And you have been so very tired for so very long, as a society. Time to energize and wake up, and the way you will do that is to surrender to who you are. Accept who you really are in your heart of hearts as a dream-er, as an imaginative creator. And accept reality as a reflection of you. You are not a victim, in any way, shape or form, on any level what-so-ever. Unless you decide that’s the game you want to play. And if you do, it will be allowed, because you are always supported, in everything you decide is true. Because again, Infinite Creation is nothing but Unconditional Allowance and Love. And will allow you, through it’s unconditional support and love to have any game scenario you want. Even a game scenario wherein you can pretend you are not loved. It loves you that much. And so use that love to your advantage, and allow yourself to wake up into that love. To love yourself. And to understand that, anything, anything at all, is possible for you within the context of the reality that you have chosen, and that you are now expanding, even the definition, of that reality, now that you understand, or at least are beginning to understand the power behind the illusion. So, as it expands you will expand, possibilities will expand, reality will change. And you have begun to see many of the symptoms of that, as space and time become very much more slippery. And things are not quite so ridged, and all the different belief systems that have existed on your planet for thousands of years are now all coming out at once, on to the table, battling it out in a sense - positive, negative, pro and con, everything coming to the surface, all the deep dark secrets, all the fears, all the doubts, along with all the possibilities of infinite joy, all coming out on the table all at once, so you can choose, because that is the ultimate tool of freedom and power. The ability to know YOU CAN CHOOSE. And that’s all there is to it. And it comes, it begins from the realization, that that’s all you’ve ever done...is choose. WHAT YOU GET, IS WHAT YOU CHOSE, CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY, TO BELIEVE WAS THE MOST LIKELY KIND OF THING YOU WERE CAPABLE OF GETTING. Now that you can begin to see yourself as a true aspect of the Infinite, you will know that Infinity is open to you. And it is up to you to determine just exactly how much of that Infinity and how much ecstasy you can handle, at any given moment. You determine the rate, you are the valve, completely and utterly that determines the rate of flow, of that ecstasy. Because it’s only your energy that you’re going to be feeling. And it’s up to you to determine exactly how you want to feel your own vibration, in what context and in what form. Whether you want to feel your own energy as Joy, or whether you want to feel your own energy as Fear. It’s up to you. But both can be instructional, and both can be educational. If you use them that way.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:05:54 +0000

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