Letting Go Letting go is the release of energies that you - TopicsExpress


Letting Go Letting go is the release of energies that you have identified with at some point in the past. Your free will gives you the power to identify with and trap any energy in self. These energies will remain in you until consciously released by letting go or until you enter the death sequence. Letting go is a vital means of freeing yourself from non–truth. The act of letting go is to simply remove your identification with any energy. As soon as you do this the energy is free to leave you which most energies will do immediately. This is a powerful tool for quickly moving toward freedom. It takes practice to get the hang of it. You can generally feel changes in your auric field as you let go. Letting go in quick, successive rounds brings rapid clearing in all but the most difficult situations. There are many ways you can use letting go: clearing your spirit body When you notice negativity in your spirit body by feeling, you identify the general location and shape or volume of the energy that you noticed and then let it go. There are two steps to letting go of energies in the spirit body: soften around the boundary of the general mass of energy, allow more space around it. This will remove the gripping nature of your identification with it. remove your identification with it, e.g., this is not mine, I’m letting this go. This will allow the energy, which does not belong inside you and doesn’t want to be trapped inside you, to leave. Then feel again to complete the clearing. clearing emotion The presence of emotion, as opposed to feeling, is often a result of the mind reacting to something in life in the presence of a judgement. To clear the emotional reaction and what caused it: call up the emotion in your spirit body feel until the energy of the emotion dissipates and your spirit body is clear call up the judgement(s) that caused the mind to have a reaction to life let the judgement(s) go and feel until the spirit body is clear call up all energies related to the judgement(s) and feel until they clear. This will remove all energies that were ever generated by the mind from the judgement(s) you just let go of and cleared. moving to higher states of vibration Any time you are ready for another step in moving into a higher energy level, also known as going deeper within, you can move quickly through the step by letting go. For this you let go of everything in your life. As if you are dying and will leave this life, let it all go. This is very helpful when the time is right. It is a way to quickly move through a healing crisis. being at peace Life is truth. Anything in life that you cannot be at peace with points to something in you that needs to be released. To make the most of this you simply call up whatever it is that is not at peace with the way things are and let go and feel to clear it from your spirit body. Your power of free will puts it in your spirit body when you call it up. You can do this for events from the past. Just a mental pointer to the situation and saying that you want the cause to come up (in the spirit body) for clearing is all that is required. Working with energy is fast and efficient and does not require that you identify any content or story, just the energy. Your free will queues it up for you. Letting go is a life skill that will move you quickly through any energy that is not in alignment with self, your spirit. Practicing and using this will greatly accelerate your growth into the light. You cannot let go of too much. What you are letting go of is non–truth and non–self energies. Your truth and who you are, self, will not leave you even if you let them go. Only the energies that are not self will leave. So letting go is safe, you don’t have to worry about overdoing it. Not letting go of enough or deeply enough tends to be the problem.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:14:29 +0000

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