****Liam’s Story***Part One*** “(Y/N) come swim with us!” - TopicsExpress


****Liam’s Story***Part One*** “(Y/N) come swim with us!” Your friends yell at you from the edge of the ocean. “Nah, its fine. You go ahead.” You yell back to them, but your best friend wouldn’t take no for an answer and before you knew it she was pulling you up by your arm. “You’ll feel much better once you cool down. Just come in for 10 minutes then I’ll let you be sit alone on your towel for the rest of the day.” She begged as she pulled you down to where everyone waited. “Fine, you win. I’ll go swim in the salt water where they’re animals who could eat me.” You say as she continued to drag you to the shore. The cool water washed up on your feet and you could feel wet sand grind between your toes. It felt really weird, but you continue to slowly walk in it. You were waist deep in the water when a wave crashed into you almost knocking you off your feet, but you follow your friend out further. Another wave comes crashing into you, but this time the impact sent you underwater. You rise out of the water taking in gasps of air, but without warning another wave sent you back under. The wave sent you deep under the ocean rolling, hitting rocks and coral. You try so hard to swim back up towards the light but you make it just enough to flail your arms around and take another big breath before being sent under again. Slowly you start losing you strength from the beating. You can feel yourself floating back to the top. Mentally you were screaming help but physically you gave up. Everything was beginning to get darker. You started closing your eyes and the last thing you felt was a hand grabbing your arm before your fell unconscious. As you slowly started to awake you felt a sharp pain in your chest and ribs. You tried breathing, but all that came up was water. You started coughing and that made more water come flying out and finally you could breathe, but it still hurt. “Oh my god! I’m so glad you saved her!” you could hear you friend say. “You’re a true hero, Liam.” “Liam?” You thought as you opened you eyes a little and that’s when you saw your hero smiling back at you. “I think I broke a few ribs giving you CPR, but it’s nothing that can’t be repaired. The medical van is here to take you to a hospital to patch you up. Can you stand up and walk?” Liam asked you. You try standing up but you were still so weak you fell back down. “Here,” Liam said again, “Put you arms around my neck and I’ll carry you.” You did what he said and he carefully picked you up trying not to hurt you. He carried you up the path that led up the road where the medical van was waiting with a stretcher. Liam carefully laid you down on to it then left to say something to your friend, but return to your side and said, “You friends think it’s best if I ride to the hospital with you because not all of them can fit in the van.” “No Liam its fine, I can go alone. You don’t have ride with me.” You say right before you fell unconscious again. You open your eyes again. This time you were lying in a bed at the hospital. You look around to see if Liam did come with you, but there was no sign of him in the room. You in take a deep breath to sigh, but found out that wasn’t a good idea, because even though you knew you were on pain medication it still hurt to take in a deep breath. It’s not like you really expected him to stay, after all he was Liam Payne of One direction. He probably has a thousand of other things to go do. No sooner had you thought that, Liam pulled backed the privacy curtains that hung in front of the door. “You’re awake!” He said smiling and taking a seat at the end of your bed. “It’s more like I’m alive, thanks you too.” You say smiling then you felt the heat rise from you blushing cheeks. “I was worried when I got to you that I was too late. You were in really bad shape.” He says to you as his smile faded. “How do you feel know?” “I’m sore, but I can’t feel much of anything too painful because of the meds.” You tell him. This wasn’t how you envisioned meeting him, but it will just have to do. “You know, you didn’t have to come or even stay.” “I know, but I was worried about you… I don’t think I could have left without knowing all the “what if”. You know what I mean?” He asks. “What if’s?” You asked him, there were a lot of the “What if’s” out there in the world. “Yeah, like what if you didn’t make it, or what if I did more damage than I intended to do while giving you CPR.” He says looking down at his hands while fidgeting. “Or even what if…You know never mind, this isn’t the time for that last one.” He smiled. “Oh come on Liam, I nearly died! What’s your last “what if”?” You begged trying not to giggle, because it would hurt too badly. “You win.” He laughs. “What if,” he paused and smiled again. “I never got another chance to ask this beautiful girl out for a movie when she gets to feeling better.” He gently places his hand on your leg. You could only imagine how big your smile was. “That would be very painful if I never got to say yes that last “what if”.” Liam then gets up, walks over, and bends down to kiss your forehead. “You need to rest more. I have to leave for a bit, but I promise you when you reopen your eyes I’ll be back.” You smile at him again but then your eyes become too heavy to hold anymore. The last thing you see before your eyes finally gave in is Liam picking up your beaten hand and softly kissing it. END of part 1!!! Tell me how you feel and think about it! =D -tabby
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:00:00 +0000

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