[Lies, Deception and Exploitation] Its like a big game of chess - TopicsExpress


[Lies, Deception and Exploitation] Its like a big game of chess full of lies and deception with many players and an invisible hand. [Lies, Deception and Exploitation] Its like a big game of chess full of lies and deception with many players and an invisible hand. With all due respect to the families of the victims of MH17. I am deeply concerned over the recent turn of events that took place in many parts of the world. For MH17 tragedy in particular, notice how NOBODY is CLAIMING RESPONSIBILITY for shooting down the jetliner. Instead Kiev, Donetsk and Russia says that they didnt do it. Then the BLAME GAME starts with pressures mounting on Russia, followed by unverified evidence and arguments that could just be easily fabricated. Its simple enough to observe and sense that this incident HAS* sparked arguments and accusations as well as provoked and escalated tensions between the US backed Ukraine and Russia. Notice that I used the word HAS because I am reflecting on events that has already happened or is currently happening. Now try to remove yourself from the situation and look at the big picture and start looking from a different perspective. Like a big game of chess, the perpetrator planning for this attack would probably have used the word WILL. The perpetrator would have also CALCULATED the NEXT 10 or 100 MOVES by all the players in the game. By making his move, we could safely say that the perpetrator has deemed that the next 10 or 100 moves by all other the players will be to his advantage. My point is somebody, somewhere has calculated the response and reaction by the Malaysian public, by the Malaysian govt, by Kiev, by Donetsk, by Russia, by Netherlands and by many other countries involved or yet to be involved. SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE WANTS US TO RESPOND AND REACT THE WAY WE DO . So to my dear PM and my fellow countrymen, lets not fall prey and meet the expectation of the perpetrator. Lets not be further exploited. Let Malaysia be smart enough not to pick sides. Let Malaysia be bold and brave enough to stand impartial and stop what the perpetrator has planned to happen. Let Malaysia be bold and brave enough not to follow every single bit of what the International Community wants for this tragedy. Let Malaysia be bold and brave enough not to draw any conclusion that the perpetrator wants us to believe. I know this will be hard especially when we have said that we want JUSTICE* against the one responsible. Notice also how the Malaysian PM would be very UNPOPULAR with the Malaysian public if he hadnt said that justice must be brought agaisnt the ones responsible. The victims of the families would be devastated if PM hadnt said so. His handling of this crisis situation will also make or break his credibility. So my fellow countrymen, please take time to reflect. Lets not make ourselves become further exploited because of our own national political and racial disunity, Lets not make ourselves become further exploited because of the bashing agaisnt our ailing national airline. Lets not make ourselves become further exploited because of all the weakness that we have. Dont be DECEIVED and Lets be united. You can make a difference. Surah Yunus, Verse 85 فَقَالُواْ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ تَوَكَّلۡنَا رَبَّنَا لَا تَجۡعَلۡنَا فِتۡنَةً۬ لِّلۡقَوۡمِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ They said: In Allah do we put our trust. Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practise oppression Lalu mereka berkata: Kepada Allah jualah kami berserah. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau jadikan kami landasan fitnah kesengsaraan bagi kaum yang zalim ganas. #PrayforMH17 #PrayforGaza
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:07:53 +0000

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