...Life...hasnt been particularly easy for me and my projects for - TopicsExpress


...Life...hasnt been particularly easy for me and my projects for the last few years... ...I remember in 2012 when for my birthday I bought Frankie Z Datsun in New York and Cal Curtis went with me to pick it up...I had big dreams for Frankie ZBomb Datsun...but dreams can quickly enough be ended... I remember getting back to Michigan and finding out that Frankie dropped the exhaust mounts dropping the exhaust from the headers back onto the trailer resulting in us bungying it to get it off the trailer... I remember when Angie Cochran Himebaughs husband Chris helped me to strip out the interior since after 40 years it smelled of Tuna and old man ass...I had big plans for it all to fully replace everything and started making lists of things to order... I remember months later when Cal worked to remove the engine so I could sell it to someone who was restoring his own 240Z for his son...I sold the exhaust to John, Dominic ELferinks father... I remember when I started buying parts from John Waldman for the RB26 that I bought in detroit from a dirtbag that John knew...one year later and it would be winter and appropriate time to ship her out... I remember when I dropped off the car body to Tom Hackworth prepaying him 3000$ and him saying he would work through the winter of 2013 to get her done so I could start assembling her by Summer 2013... December 2013 I shipped off the RB to California with over 20k in high end parts including most everything Nismo and Tomei make for them to make it into a high end RB28...my goal? A top speed car that might be slower than a supercar off the line but would earn supercar status once it hit second gear by breaching the 210 mph range...bought a modern Z 6 speed transmission for it to give it a nice range... April 2014...Tom Hackworth had lost over half of the 240Z but had a guy come for 2 days to weld in the new floor panels I ordered since Tom said they were rusted...I dont even know if the Stage 2 reinforcement for the framerails was installed with the replacement framerails...both the doors, the fenders, the fender light panels, the headlights and buckets, the ENTIRE FRONT END suspension and all...as far as the RB I had by this point paid all of the 6500$ build price in addition to cost for all parts by this point... June 2014...Seeing that Tom Hackworth had done nothing beyond the floors I asked for the 1800$ that he didnt do back...and asked for my parts back...he texted me saying he was broke...but yet had three cars of his own in the shop being worked on by his entire bodyshop crew... August 2014...as promised I contacted an attorney...John told me the engine would be done but they needed a few parts so I gave John the money for the parts as a gift to myself...the attorney send a legal document informing Tom of the fact that he was being requested legally to return my money and parts which he had no right to...Tom typically ignored it because he SOMETIMES pays rent for space at Cals shop...so Tom thinks he OWNS Cals shop... January 2015...still no engine...still no news...supposedly it was being shipped on Tuesday of this week but I havent heard anything...I contacted the small claims courts of the county where Tom last lived that I knew of and filed for a court date with Tom for the money he stole and the parts he similarly mishandled...over 5000$ worth of parts (the small claims limit) but I figured id be lucky to get that versus escalating the court type...the court date was scheduled for February 19...not even a week and a half after I recieved the court papers I start getting texts from Tom threatening that he was going to list my 240Z and VW bodies for free on craigslist and that he didnt steal any money or parts from the Z...apparently he has complete and utter right to steal from customers who have their vehicles at Cals shop and Cal whose name is on the property has no say and no ability to stop Tom from stealing or selling anything he wants. Tom even went as far as to say that NOONE could stop him. What I dont understand is how he thinks he can charge rent...for cars and parts that are parked in CALS area not Toms...much less the fact that he is trying to charge rent for parts he STOLE...is that even legal? It was only due to my Parents, Trina Matthews, Cal, and the Ratsun communities support that I didnt go do deal with Tom first hand in the way us insignificant pinprick jackass veterans deal with problems...or at least thats what Tom calls vets which im sure my father, Marty McMillan would love...much less any other military veteran...after all he compares himself barely working a fulltime job to make money for his family to a disabled vet since as he says Unlike you I dont get a check every month. It makes for a lovely addition to my folder of evidence against Tom for court...not only in that Tom ignored my attorneys letter telling him in legal speak that he was required to return, that he threatened and clearly has no qualms taking my cars and parts for personal gain all his own, but that he assumes that because he pays rent that he is an owner of an entire property... Toms word and personal values are frankly as valueless as a pile of shit and I am stunned that Cal puts up with him especially this long...Cal warned Tom that if Tom cost him customers that Tom would be on his way out...Tom got a second chance...Cal warned Tom that if Tom did not return money or parts for work he didnt perform that Tom would be on his way out...Tom got a second second chance...Tom verbally stated to me at Cals shop that he would snap my neck and kill me...Cal warned Tom and gave him a second second second chance...now Tom claims he owns Cals property again...which wouldnt surprise me if Tom tried to sue Cal claiming that Tom has squatters rights...Tom is still there...making money at Cals shop while ruining the name of Cals shop... I am presently just hopeful that Cal and others will come to court to speak out against Tom on February 19th... Will it change anything if the court states that Tom HAS TO repay what he owes from his continual fraud and theft? Probably not. Tom likes ignoring anyones voice that isnt in his big bald head that looks like a jews penis...but if he does or the court ENFORCES payment by withholding his taxes or they claim property of his...then I will be closer and easier on my down payment to get myself a house to get my parts away from Tom... After all Tom never DID anything for my car...he had someone come in to weld in the floors which were never finished or sealed...so him charging over 5 grand for sitting on his ass and doing nothing on a car that he never touches...is ludicrous...
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:09:23 +0000

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