“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right - TopicsExpress


“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers in the right order, so you can have anything you want.” Brian Tracy Practice, study and master the concepts below and you will be able to successfully approach anyone anywhere: 1. It all starts with a winning mindset. “Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. Believe this and act accordingly. Not arrogant, but confident. 2. Dress the part. There’s rarely (if ever) a penalty for being the best dressed. Whether we admit it or not, we do judge books by their covers. 3. Realize your fear of rejection is unwarranted. If they blow you off, ignore you, don’t have time or you are (what you consider) unsuccessful in any way you have defaulted back to the status quo. Nothing lost! 4. Be someone who knows everyone. Everyone wants to know the big wigs but how many people actually take time to get to know everyone on first name basis (this includes doormen, receptionists, assistants…etc). 5. Be unconventional and memorable. One simple thing I do is when people ask me, “How are you doing?” I always reply with a big smile and say, “Any better and I’d be worried” or “Somewhere between incredible and spectacular!” These responses often generate a smile or laugh and open the doors for easy conversations nearly everywhere I go. They’re yours to try – what have you got to lose? 6. More energy! 7. Eye contact when you speak. 8. Be persistent without being annoying. 9. Be yourself. Don’t pretend to know things you don’t. 10. Make their life better is some way by having talked to you, even if it’s just sharing a smile and/or a quick compliment. 11. Do your homework before approaching them. Finding common ground of hobbies, where they grew up or something they’re (secretly) passionate about. 12. Offer to help them in someway (but avoid “sucking up”) 13. Avoid tie down and dead end questions. Easily break the ice in a manner that any reasonable person would answer your question. 14. Think of your approach and desired conversations in multiple bit sized conversations. What do you have to say to have the conversation go that direction? 15. Plan what you are going to say in advance. 16. Listen closely for cues in the conversation to research and/or mention in future conversations 17. Walk away sooner than you think you should. Avoid overstaying your welcome. Ever have a date and couldn’t wait to see the person again? That is the emotion you should try and generate. Leave them wanting more. 18. Take control and end the conversation with a phrase such as, “I’d love to hear more about that next time we chat.” “I have something I want to show you but I have to run….next time.” 19. Follow up the initial conversations with hand written cards, emails, a nice gesture or a phone calls that simply says, “nice meeting you.” 20. Smile How do you get better at anything? Practice. The more you do these, the more comfortable you’ll get. Practice.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:00:49 +0000

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