[Like I said before,these next chapters are gonna be about Hikari - TopicsExpress


[Like I said before,these next chapters are gonna be about Hikari and Yuuto.Come on people,they need some love too!] ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Hikari?Why?Yuuto asked.Mizuki shrugged. Well you know her.Shes kind if timid and clumsy sometimes,Mizuki explained.If that guys dangerous... Yuuto immediately snapped.Dont talk crap,Mizuki.Thatll never happen. Really?Wow,you seem confident about Hikari,Mizuki teased. Yuuto rolled his eyes.He still couldnt figure out why people refer to him and Hikari as a couple.Come on,its not like they have feelings for each other,right? I need to help Sasue-chan with some things,so I cant help you.Youre on your own,Mizuki admitted.She turned.Jaa ne!! O-Oi,Mizuki-before Yuuto could argue,Mizuki had ran off.He sighed.So what?Is he gonna play some stalker? ---------------------- ~NO POV~ S-Shutaro-kun...Y-You shouldnt...Hikari squeaked as a hand moved to her lap. She felt dusgusted.Typical perverted men.Always targetting girls like her. Yuuto bit his lip.Mizuki was right after all.That guys up to no good.He had to do something!Now that perverted bastard was holding Hikaris jaw,trying to force a kiss.Suddenly,he froze.He collapsed out of nowhere,revealing an angry Yuuto behind him. Hikari blushed.Y-Yuuto-kun?!What are you doing here? Yuuto held her shoulders.Damn,Hikari.I should be asking the questions.How many times have I told you not to date a stranger?! Many times... Exactly.Why are youbstill doing it?! Hikari looked down guiltily.Immediately,Yuuto felt guilty as well.He just...Made her upset again. Tch.Girls.Too sensitive all the time.Especially girls like her.Yuuto stepped forward and patted her head gently. Hikari looked up at him with her teary eyes.Yuuto glanced away,knowing that he wouldnt be able to resist that look. Im sorry,he apologised.Hikari grinned and wiped her tears away. Ah,Yuuto.Hikari.Perfect,a voice came from behind. The couple looked to see who it was. Kakashi-sensei,Yuuto acknowledged.Is there anything you need? Sasue and Mizuki need help with carrying the boxes,so Id like to ask you to help,Kakashi explained.I have some things to report to Tsunade-sama. Regarding...? Tetsuya.Mizukis father,Kakashi said.That name brought tension in the air. Lets go then!Hikari broke the silence. Kakashi immediately broke into a grin and pushed her into Yuutos arms. Yeah,you two be good to each other now,Kakashi teased,earning a scowl and glare from Yuuto.When Kakashi ran off,Yuuto looked at the girl in his arms.Hikari looked up at him. He immediately turned away as he realised the distance between their faces. L-Lets get going,he let go of her and sped off,leaving her behind....Whats with him? ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Sasue-chan,you shouldve brought Satochi along or something.He could help out with this stuff,Mizuki pouted. Sasue shrugged.You couldve called Saeki too.How did you two agree on the contract anyway?Sasue asked. Mizuki paused.I...I dont know,Mizuki admitted,shaking her head.I guess I just...Accepted and acknowledged him. Yuuto and Hikari came in right at that moment,panting.We came to help. Ah,its fine already.Were done,Sasue grinned.Hikari and Yuuto exchanged looks,sighing. We came here for nothing,Yuuto-kun,Hikari said.Yuuto nodded. Kakashi-sensei tricked us,Yuuto concluded.Mizukis expression changed. Actually,Yuuto..Mizuki stepped forward.He wasnt. What? He simply wanted you to help me pass something to Nee-chan,Mizuki explained.Since I asked him to,but he was busy. He still tricked us,Yuuto looked at her.So,what is it that you want to pass to Miyuki-sensei? Mizuki rummaged through her bag and took out a box.Yuutos eyes widened.T-Thats... Yeah,I took it from Nee-chan.Stole it actually.Its Kaa-chans diary,Mizuki said,guilt filling her voice. Why would you take your mothers diary?And why wpuld taking it from your sister consider as stealing?Hikari asked. Kaa-chan told Nee-chan not to let me see it,as what Nee-chan said,Mizuki explained.But one thing I cant understand.It shows how Tetsuya killed my family,the whole company.Why should they hide it?Its prove that hes a criminal! Sasue jumped slightly when she felt slight force against her,which was actually chakra fighting out from Mizukis body.Mizuki,calm yourself down. M-Mizuki-sama...Hikari looked down.Yuuto looked at her.He felt slight pity. Hikari was an orphan from birth,and was brought up in the Hirota family by the company members.Hikari and Mizuki were like siblings.During the death of the Hirota family,Mizuki wasnt the only one affected.And being more sensitive and timid,Hikari became more fragile. Okay,Ill pass this to Miyuki-sensei,Yuuto took the box.He walked to the door. You coming,Hikari?Uh...Y-Yeah,Im coming,Yuuto-kun!Hikari ran as Yuuto had already reached the stairs. As they left,Mizuki and Sasue exchanged looks and grinned mischievously.They should get together already,Sasue giggled. Mizuki nodded in agreement.Yeah,but I guess we need to push them further,Mizuki sighed.One is too shy,one is too dense. ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Miyuki-san?Satochi blinked.He exchanged looks with Sasuke. You seen her? Shes probably with Saeki,since she wants to make sure he take good care of Mizuki,Sasuke guessed.Satochi chuckled slightly. Okay,thanks Sasuke-san and Satochi-san!Hikari bowed before getting pulled by the arm by Yuuto. They saw Miyuki and Saeki at the training grounds,with Miyuki on top of the latter. She pointed a kunai at him,probably threating him with her usual fearful words. Miyuki-sensei!!Hikari simply ran and pounced on the demonic ex-assassin,adding more weight on top of poor Saeki. Hikari,why are you here?Miyuki asked.Hikari slammed down the box,unfortunately on Saekis crotch,earning a strangled gasp from him.Yuuto tried not to laugh. Miyuki stared at the box.Isnt this- Mizuki-sama wanted to apologise,Hikari told her. Miyuki shook her head.Id like to kick her ass till it bleeds for this,but I understand why she did it,Miyukis expression grew sad.Its about Kaa-chan and the company after all. What is this all about?Saeki interrupted.Miyuki looked at him. Mizuki will tell you everything one day,Miyuki told him.She got off him and picked up the box. She thanked Hikari and left.Saeki sat up,frowning at Hikari.You dont have to slam the thing down on me. Hikari stood up and bowed to him multiple times.Oh,Im sorry!Im so sorry! Saeki quickly stood up and raised his hands in surrender.No,no!Its fine,really! Yuuto laughed.Hikari turned to her crush,blushing slightly.Yuuto-kun,its not nice to laugh at someone. Ah,sorry,sorry,he apologised,though he didnt sound sorry.You were just too cute apologising like that. Cute? Realising what he said,Yuuto covered his mouth and faced away,hiding his blush.Come on,anyone wouldve thought that way. Hikari smiled shyly.I-Ill get going now. She was walking off when she heard Yuuto whispering to Saeki. Shes so sensitive and timid,I hope she will get home safely alone.I always have to watch over her. Hikari clenched her fist.She couldnt believe Yuuto said that.She spun around.She pointed a fist at him. Yuuto-kun,so youre saying Im weak?Ill prove you wrong... Her orange eyes bore into his navy blue ones.Yuutos eyes widened as he saw fiery determination in her eyes. Lets have a serious duel,Sakurai Yuuto. ---------------------- [This chapter was to introduce in Hikari and Yuuto,the next will be to show their abilities and stuff,then later will be the development between them.Geez,Hikari should reember to watch out for Saeki.Hes already after Sasue and Mizuki.He cant be aiming for Hikari too,right?Such a damned Harem king XDDD]
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 06:58:48 +0000

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