@ Linda Cabral...I would like to point out that my father, uncle, - TopicsExpress


@ Linda Cabral...I would like to point out that my father, uncle, father-in-law, 4 cousins (one of whom was killed in Vietnam) as well as several relatives on my wifes side are all Veterans so I find it laughable that you would think I dont recognize the respect Veterans deserve. That said, since you found it necessary to attack me personally- after all I did was state facts and a rather rudimentary analogy (removed posts are below)- I would like to congratulate you. Youve made it fully clear to anyone who wasnt sure already that there is no rationalizing with you in any way, shape or form. Linda Cabral Marrero 8:10pm Mar 4 There really should be no further discussion needed, all veterans deserve this benefit! In fact its a very simple principle. Btw speaking from experience, I know fully what it takes to win a successful lawsuit, Mr. Kaplan! Sad, you dont recognize the respect these men and women deserve, it should be a no brainer! Comment History Linda Cabral Marrero Linda Cabral Marrero 3:01pm Mar 4 There is no doubt our Veterans deserve this benefit! Not quite sure what suit your talking about, but have a nice day! Andrew Kaplan Andrew Kaplan 2:55pm Mar 4 the sentiment from the board seemed to be that they would most like;ly vo;te in favir;f a tax break. However there were different formulas as to the amount of tax break that could be voted on and there was incomplete info as far as how the Briarcliff and Yorkown govt agencies and Veterans population might affect the final decision so further discussion was deemed necessary before making a decision. Linda, as a lawyer you probably wouldnt want to file a suit without all the facts. Same principle here. Linda Cabral Marrero Linda Cabral Marrero 6:06am Mar 4 It is ashame that they would even have to have so many meetings/hearings on this, we are talking about men and women who in some cases have given the ultimate sacrifice. Others return home mamed and scared for life all so we can get the type of education we are able to in this country! There is no reason why not to offer our vets this minor benefit compared to what they have given up for us!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:15:44 +0000

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