**Long Post Alert** I need to admit something to you guys. Im - TopicsExpress


**Long Post Alert** I need to admit something to you guys. Im scared and nervous all at the same time. Ever since I found out that I could be a possible finalist and/ or Ultimate Health winner in the Beachbody Challenge, the pressure has been on like crazy. I went from never ever showing my body to having to display it to strangers and be judged on my progress. Watching the past winners and their transformations helped push me to keep pushing towards my goals and I want to be able to do the same for others as well. I know not everyone can be chosen, but I believe this can be an even bigger way for me to help others who didnt believe that change was possible. Im not doubting myself at all, but I know that I cant control the judges views. So what am I going to do? Focus on what I can control. This weekend food was being offered to me left and right, and I just sat there with my prepared food... just watching knowing whats ahead of me. I know how I can be if I dont get chosen. I will question the hell out of myself and what I could have done differently. So to make sure I dont, Im eating clean with no cheats and working my ass off with these workouts... So even if I dont get picked, I can at least say that I gave it EVERYTHING I had. Will that mean that its over for me if I dont get chosen? Not at all. Its just one door that closes... and if another one doesnt open... Ill have to kick it the hell down. 4 Days until photos need to be submitted. 27 days until we find out the results. 60 days until I could possibly be rocking that stage in Las Vegas. #NoDaysOff
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 14:42:39 +0000

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