(***Long post warning - skip if needed) Ahhh, Vacation week - - TopicsExpress


(***Long post warning - skip if needed) Ahhh, Vacation week - AKA: Good Mom Week. Im sitting in my car at only 9:30 am and already feeling like SUPER MOM! Im talking, conquer the world kinda feeling. Its easy to slip into the grumps when youre a working mom and feel like your kids are just lost in the shuffle of life, leaving you to feel as though you are somehow less than even a good mom. Im not even talking perfect. Im just talking middle of the bar. Lately all we do is rush. Too tired to take them to Fall Festival. Fall into the trend of forget: class parties, class money, juice & popcorn money, teacher birthdays, field trip day, dress up day, signing reading logs, baths, DINNER. Seriously, how can you forget to fix dinner? Before I worked, I was The Bomb Mom (I thought). I attended EVERY class party, Field Day, Fall Festival - all with camera in tow. I made room mom friends, chaperoned field trips - you name it, I did it. And when I saw the motherless child in the class, there was a thud of pity in my stomach. Now, I have joined the ranks of working moms. In the past three years, I have not gone on one single field trip with either kid. There has been some kicking and screaming. Not them, ME!! Well, a few little frowns on their sweet faces too as they ask each time: Mommy, can you come on THIS one? PLEASE!!! Frankly, it bothers me. A LOT. But working is just part of life for most of us moms. We do the best we can. Forgot to wash uniforms: Here, wear this dirty(ish) pair of shorts today. Send em out screaming to the bus each day. In one hand their other shoe and in one hand a pop tart. Oops, one forgot a backpack - race to school and Im 30 minutes late for work. So what if they didnt drink any milk or comb their hair, I WORK! Can you hear me? But I get to my desk and try not to think about the earlier events of that morning. When my mind wonders there, a few tears may escape. Same feelings at night. I look at them sleep and waves if guilt wash over me. But this week..... Ahhhhh, vacation week with NOWHERE to go. A week of living like a stay at home mom and trying to right my wrongs. Dinner each night, no yelling or stressing, no coming home from work tired and grumpy. uniforms cleaned, folded, put away and even new ones laid out for the next day. Yesterday, I cleaned and organized two closets of junkiness. I got the kids and stopped by to get them an after school treat. I even had a pretty decent dinner fixed and managed to slip away for the last Apples of Gold session without feeling bad for leaving them or not having dinner for Buddy when he came home from a long day of teaching. This week is theme week at the kids school. I had the Monday and Tuesday theme stuff ready. On Monday, I got the mustaches (get this) for Wednesday mustache day. I was TWO days early on being prepared. I didnt take a sharpie and draw it in at the last minute. The feeling of pride didnt hit me till this morning. And this is where things get even better. I had the luxury of driving Sean to school today. Just me and him. Lily was excited about this because she wanted to try her hand at riding the school bus all alone like a big girl. As I walked into the school lobby, I see kids coming in and Im suddenly surrounded. Im waist deep in pitiful little faces asking me if I had an extra mustache. Mommy forgot mine, one boy said. I wanted to be sad for those moms. They are probably sitting at their desks right now feeling like a failure. But I was happy. Happy that Im not the only mom who forgets. Then, a kid from Seans class walks up to the lady at the front desk: May I borrow a field trip shirt? My mom forgot mine. Sorry, I am not sad for that mom. Nope!!! You see, I remembered Seans shirt today. The last field trip I had forgotten to change the laundry over to the dryer before bed so guess whose kid had to wear a damp field trip shirt. Hearing of that moms mistake was music to my ears. Tomorrow is Team Colors Day & Friday is Bright Green Day - check, check. Ive got this covered. Just as Im about to walk out of the school, I see my little bus rider walking, no, running towards me. Mommy, youre HERE!!! Can you eat breakfast with me ? Oh the thrill. Could this day get any better? We eat and giggle. I punch her nose. My heart is beaming. Its only Wednesday and I already feel like a good mom again. Lily ushers me out and just before I leave, she spots the supply cart in the lobby. Mom, I need a pencil. Do you have any cents? Oops, I have no change......theres always tomorrow. But I couldnt help giggling as she trotted off down the hall in her little mustache. Ive got some sense alright, baby girl. Sense enough to know that I may not be the BEST mommy, but I sure do feel like a BLESSED one. Happy Mommy Day everyone. Pat yourself on the back. Because working mom or stay at home, its all tough. The rewards are few and then they are great!!! We are all trying to do our best ❤️ Blessings
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:11:12 +0000

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