***Long rambling rant alert*** Sometimes I contemplate doing - TopicsExpress


***Long rambling rant alert*** Sometimes I contemplate doing away with my personal fb account. I suffer from depression and many things I see are not helpful, actually make it much, much worse. Like this morning for example. First thing I see is that someone who I had considered a good friend has been telling me that they will foster for me but could not as she has had a medical problem for a while, I have felt so bad for her, prayed for her to feel better, ect... I didnt want her to feel bad about not physically being able to help so I didnt want to pester her and figured she would tell me when she was ready. I did contact her recently to check up on her, offer moral support and asked if she thought she would be able to foster in the near future as she appears to be getting better from her posts. She said someone dumped 2 dogs into her backyard and she was having to deal with that. I felt so bad for her I was literally going to try to help her financially get them vetted and adopted out of my own pocket. I got onto fb this morning to see she BOUGHT a puppy. BOUGHT A PUPPY Sure, its a free country, she can certainly do as she chooses. But why not just be honest with me? I was really hurt. This is just one of several instances of people doing things like this. I am not an outgoing person and I dont open up to many in real life. Needless to say Ive lost some people I thought were good friends lately. Not that Im mad, Im just hurt and really disappointed. I cant tolerate things like this and people going OUT OF THEIR WAY to be rude to me for no reason. Like another good friend did recently. Maybe Im too sensitive??? Maybe there is something wrong with me and I should brush it off. But I just wonder if someone like her really, REALLY understands the problem going on right now. The one I have sacrificed so much for. Does anyone pay attention to all these posts of INNOCENT dogs getting killed everyday? All breeds, PB Weims included. I got this yesterday and it helps. This was from a high school friend I had not spoke to in some time- Tera, I want to thank you for all of your animal post and making me aware of all the kill shelters in this country, yesterday we adopted a puppy that was saved just three hours before the entire litter was going to be put down. Thank you for everything you do for animals as well. Blessings to you and your family. So that is why Im still here on fb today and ranting rather than deactivating my account. Thank you to the people who listen. That one example was just a snippet of a vast plethora of events from today that make me shake my head. If I told you all the things that happen each day I hope you all would understand why I must rant. Im not fishing for compliments or anything else I just need to vent. *rant over*
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:46:33 +0000

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