|| Look what I found-- Name: Sparkles Łukasiewicz Nicknames: - TopicsExpress


|| Look what I found-- Name: Sparkles Łukasiewicz Nicknames: Sparks, Sparkie. Gender: Male Age: 221 years old. Species: Baby Dragon. Appearance: Sparkles in only a small dragon and has green coloured scales, with a line of dark green spikes growing out of his spine. He also has a pair of dark green wings, the same as his spikes, and a tail about the length of his body. His two ears are triangular and atop his head, where not spikes or horns are present. His eyes are a dark black, making up the whole of his eyes and, much like a birth mark and what earned him his name from Poland, is two stars on his left rump. One is bigger than the other and both are coloured an obvious yellow. Personality: Sparkles behaves much like a child in that he is forever curious; his curiosity getting him into trouble more times than not. Also, he is fairly ignorant on ways of humans, being a dragon, so talking to him will get a “rwaaaaahr!” or some such noise response; he appears fairly stupid because of this, an incorrect few point. However, he can be fiercely protective if he sees Poland being harmed and reacts on instinct, much like any animal would. Dragons are renowned to be more intelligent than the typical animal, however. Abilities: Instead of fire which most dragons are assumed to be able to breathe, Sparkles breathes “stars” instead, which are ineffective at best. He also finds it difficult to fly, making do with hovering or hanging off of Poland’s shoulder. So all in all, unless he’s tearing at someone with his claws or teeth, Sparkles is relatively harmless. Well... until he gets older~ Likes: Meat, hunting (though he’s not good at it yet), Poland, Belarus (he enjoys making her life difficult), Lithuania, the thought of flying, lazing around in the sun and sparkly objects. Dislikes: Being picked up by strangers, talked down too, being away from Poland too long, his long naps disturbed and his ears touched. Fears: Being hunted, other dragons (they tend to fight or kill each other more times than not) and fire. Additional Information: He can’t understand any languages apart from his own so talking to him is useless. Poland still does so anyway. He likes the tastes of most materials so he will chew on clothes if left to his own devices.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 22:10:50 +0000

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