. ... Love Peace 09/11/2014 19:34 Love Peace Hi - TopicsExpress


. ... Love Peace 09/11/2014 19:34 Love Peace Hi Mindah (try again!), hope all is going well for you. Thanks for getting back to me. Hope to see a video soon on marriage. Ive come here today to see if I can ask you a question and see if you can help. I have been all over the internet and cannot find a straight answer. I have watched your video on re-birth. I would like to go a little bit further, and ask if you could explain to me the six realms. I mean, what is a hungry ghost? Is it an actual ghost, or a human that cannot give-up the craving, the wanting, the desire? Also, the hell realm - once you get in, how do you get out? In fact, what is the hell realm? And, how does an animal become a human? As you can see, l am very confused! One last question. When the Buddha left this world, where did he go? Where is this place? Is this the equivalent to the Christian Heaven? Hope you can help. Many thanks, Namaste, Stephen. . ... Today The Enthusiastic Buddhist 11:21 The Enthusiastic Buddhist Hi Stephen, the Buddha talked about the 6 realms as being actual planes of existence that we can be reborn into. We are reborn into different ones depending on the karma we have created. Each realm has different defilements that are stronger, e.g. hell beings usually experience a lot of anger, hungry ghosts have lots of craving, animals have ignorance, humans have attachment, demi-gods have jealousy and gods have pride. If a human has lots of craving then you could say they are experiencing the same sort of realm as a hungry ghost, but they are still obviously human. Its only if youre reborn into that realm, then you would take the body of a hungry ghost too. Hells and heavens are impermanent realms, just like the human realm. How long we spend in each depends on what karma we have created. If we havent created a lot of negative karma we might spend a split second in the hell realm and be reborn as a animal, and then die and be reborn human again. Our karma determines where we go and the level of experience we have (e.g. born into favorable or unfavorable conditions). The hell realm is characterized by constant suffering, where one is burnt by fire or other very unpleasant things. The Buddha is free to travel wherever he likes. He isnt bound by karma and uncontrollable rebirth. He can go where the teachings are needed. He has the ability to manifest in any form, not just human. His capabilities are limitless. He does go to Heavens to teach the gods the Dharma there (because theyre still not free of samsara. A god can die and become a human again, and so on...). The Buddha can go to pure realms. He is free. I hope this helps. . ... . ... Love Peace 09/11/2014 19:34 Love Peace Hi Mindah (try again!), hope all is going well for you. Thanks for getting back to me. Hope to see a video soon on marriage. Ive come here today to see if I can ask you a question and see if you can help. I have been all over the internet and cannot find a straight answer. I have watched your video on re-birth. I would like to go a little bit further, and ask if you could explain to me the six realms. I mean, what is a hungry ghost? Is it an actual ghost, or a human that cannot give-up the craving, the wanting, the desire? Also, the hell realm - once you get in, how do you get out? In fact, what is the hell realm? And, how does an animal become a human? As you can see, l am very confused! One last question. When the Buddha left this world, where did he go? Where is this place? Is this the equivalent to the Christian Heaven? Hope you can help. Many thanks, Namaste, Stephen. . ... Today The Enthusiastic Buddhist 11:21 The Enthusiastic Buddhist Hi Stephen, the Buddha talked about the 6 realms as being actual planes of existence that we can be reborn into. We are reborn into different ones depending on the karma we have created. Each realm has different defilements that are stronger, e.g. hell beings usually experience a lot of anger, hungry ghosts have lots of craving, animals have ignorance, humans have attachment, demi-gods have jealousy and gods have pride. If a human has lots of craving then you could say they are experiencing the same sort of realm as a hungry ghost, but they are still obviously human. Its only if youre reborn into that realm, then you would take the body of a hungry ghost too. Hells and heavens are impermanent realms, just like the human realm. How long we spend in each depends on what karma we have created. If we havent created a lot of negative karma we might spend a split second in the hell realm and be reborn as a animal, and then die and be reborn human again. Our karma determines where we go and the level of experience we have (e.g. born into favorable or unfavorable conditions). The hell realm is characterized by constant suffering, where one is burnt by fire or other very unpleasant things. The Buddha is free to travel wherever he likes. He isnt bound by karma and uncontrollable rebirth. He can go where the teachings are needed. He has the ability to manifest in any form, not just human. His capabilities are limitless. He does go to Heavens to teach the gods the Dharma there (because theyre still not free of samsara. A god can die and become a human again, and so on...). The Buddha can go to pure realms. He is free. I hope this helps. . ...
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:52:29 +0000

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