#Lyme testimony-Meagan Hey, Teresa! Here is my Lyme testimony- - TopicsExpress


#Lyme testimony-Meagan Hey, Teresa! Here is my Lyme testimony- Two summers ago I was feeling extra tired and in pain all the time. I saw my dr and had blood work after blood work taken. Finally, a test came back positive- for Lyme disease. I was put on a month of intense antibiotics and was told it was gone. Still in pain, still extra fatigued. She referred me to a rheumatoid arthritis dr who, after taking more blood for more testing, tells me I have rheumatoid arthritis. I get prescribed pills, pills, and more pills. All of which have other side effects- weight gain, sleepiness, etc... My disease kept progressing at every visit & I was finally put on a biological. I was sat in the office every 2 weeks for medication to be pumped into my veins for 2 hours. This medication didnt help anything and made me even more tired (if you can imagine the feeling you have when you can hardly keep your eyes open... Thats how I felt ALL the time). Fast forward through about 3-4 months of this and I wasnt any better. I had done research on Lyme and learned I might still have it. That even after dr testing it could still be in my body and/ or hiding in other diseases. I saw a dr whom my husband refers to as the voo doo dr - bc all her methods are all natural and holistic. She tested me and found Lyme among other illnesses and put me on all of these supplements. These supplements in turn made me have diarreaha every day and massive headaches. I was also never hungry. So I took myself off of every single thing. Except plexus. Im telling you all of this bc the only thing that has helped me 100% is the plexus slim and probio 5. When my mother in law introduced me to this, it was while I was seeing my rheumatoid dr. I was a little over weight for my height. I started with the slim and accelerator combo - I did not like the accelerator after taking it 2 times or so bc my body is very sensitive to those things. So I never took it. With just the slim and probio5, I lost 7 pounds the first week. After a few months I did try the fast relief pills- didnt feel like those helped any- but the cream did. Im now at 32 pounds lost from just the slim and probio5. I have more energy bc my body isnt drowning in all those other pills and medications. I Literally have someone stop me almost daily and ask what I did to lose weight and feel better. I walk 1-3 miles a day and now joined a fitness group of 6 girls that live near me. I get up at 5 am to go workout with them and last weekend I ran my first 5k. Im not claiming that plexus cured me bc thats crazy in my perspective. But I can tell my story and how it has helped me. Yes I still have bad days and yes I struggle like every other human being. But I can honestly sit here and tell you its made a difference! Im typing all this on the way to church so hopefully I didnt take any typos or left anything out. Ill re-read it later and correct or add anything else. Thanks for taking the time to read it. I hope it helps a little bit.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 00:38:46 +0000

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