*MAHATHIRS OWN DILEMMA* by Dato Din Merican NB: A man who - TopicsExpress


*MAHATHIRS OWN DILEMMA* by Dato Din Merican NB: A man who denies, rejects or loses his roots is a lost and mischievous spirit, suspended in Limbo without identity; and very often is deceitful, troublesome and destructive. Rewriting Mahathirs Dilemma - A Chinamans Version Dr M is anti Chinese, Pure and Simple *MAHATHIRS OWN DILEMMA* by Dato Din Merican MAHATHIR IS OFTEN PORTRAYED NOWADAYS AS AN ARSEHOLE WHO DESTROYED THE UNITY OF MALAYSIANS SO THAT HE COULD PIT ONE RACE AGAINST THE OTHER AND REMAIN IN POWER TO ENABLE HIM AND HIS CRONIES TO PLUNDER THE WEALTH OF THE NATION. AND THE SAD THING IS HE HAS NOT STOPPED DOING IT EVEN WHEN NEARINGHIS MISERABLE DEATH-BED. PITTING THE MALAYS AGAINST THE NON MALAYS HELPS KEEP UMNO-BN IN POWER AND ITS A SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY AT THE EXPENSE OF MALAYSIAS VIABILITY AS A SUSTAINABLE NATION-STATE. THIS MAMAK ARSEHOLE IS THE NEMESIS OF THE NATION AND THE DEVIL INCARNATE HIMSELF! WHEN WILL HE GO, ONLY THE DEVIL KNOWS! SO GOD HELP US... Dr. Mahathir has yet to deal with the ghosts of his past deeds. Here no one can help him but he himself. This is indeed tragic for a once formidable leader of our country who is advancing in years (born in 1925). He just cannot let go and now he has taken upon himself the task of interpreting Malaysian history. It is not a Malay Dilemma or a Chinese Dilemma. It is solely Mahathirs own dilemma. A half-breed Indian Mamak who cannot accept his original roots but must portray himself to the world that hes more Malay than the Malay themselves. It is telling on his self inferiority complex. And in the process he is destroying Malaysias multiracial harmony and national cohesiveness. * He is unwilling to come to terms with himself. Just because a Chinese taxi driver dropped him off at the labourers quarters instead of the main residence proper while he was a medical student in 50s Singapore, the insult was long lasting in his mind. His anti-Chinese feelings are not to be easily erased. After 57 years of UMNO and government handouts, he may be right after all that the Chinese look down on the Malays as fit to be beggars and labourers.* Let us admit this. The Chinese community contributed enormously to the growth and the development of our country over the centuries even *BEFORE* the British arrived as colonialists. Instead of giving them due credit for their hard work and sacrifices, UMNO is erasing their roles in the history books. UMNO is abusing them as a national punching bag - scapegoats and bogeymen - for its own failures to uplift the living and educational standards of the Malays. (a) The Chinese know what they want and are willing to put up with obstacles and hindrances in their way to get ahead. The Chinese will remain a resilient and viable race no matter what shit is thrown at them or put in their way. (b)Their work ethic is the envy of all Malaysians. (c) Their business acumen is second to none. Even the Chinese diaspora throughout southeast Asia, mainland China, Hongkong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan knows that. Practically every Chinaman in every Chinatown throughout the globe knows what the Chinese in Malaysia is capable of. It has earned them their bragging rights. (d) They are investing heavily in the education and future prospects of their young. Their next generation. (e) They continue to improvise and modernize their companies and business strategies for opportunities abroad, since they cannot get contracts in our country on their own merit, and must, therefore, be sub-contractors to favored UMNO cronies cum businessmen. *Imagine a pencil that cost 50 sen is direct-negotiated to cost RM5.00 a piece where the UMNO middleman sapu-ed the profit of RM4.50 (if thats not greed, corruption and abuse of power, what is?) Taxpayers monies are squandered away needlessly like that and its normal practice.* (e) At home, they (the Chinese) expect a government which is transparent and accountable, NOT a corrupt and abusive one. In the last election, THEY VOTED AGAINST UMNO-LED BARISAN NASIONAL FOR THIS REASON. Are the Chinese after political power? I have Chinese friends - and Indian friends too - with whom I discuss issues (corruption, abuse of power, discrimination, good governance, race relations, and so on). From them I get the sense that - 1. THEY ARE QUITE HAPPY TO HAVE A MALAY PRIME MINISTER AND A MALAY DOMINATED GOVERNMENT. THEY HAVE NO QUARREL WITH ISLAM AS THE STATE RELIGION. (DR.M & MOST OF THE SENSIBLE MALAYS KNOW VERY WELL THAT THE NON MALAYS ARE NO REAL THREAT TO MALAY POLITICAL DOMINATION BY SIMPLE DEMOGRAPHY) That is a given. 2, They respect our King and his brother rulers. *The Chinese are actually the No 1 suckers for all the crappy awards and medals thrown out at every donkey sultans birthday party. They will even pawn their mistress underwear to purchase such honorific titles and awards. Pieces of shitty metal. It is not shocking to hear some Chinese towkay pay RM300,000 to secure a VVVIP datukship. * 3) But at issue to the Chinese (and me too) is what kind of Malay leadership we should have for Malaysia. They HATE the present bunch of Malay racist leaders who use Islam to play divide and rule among the people. THE CHINESE WANT ENLIGHTENED AND PROGRESSIVE MALAY LEADERS WHO WILL NOT USE RACE AND RELIGION FOR THEIR OWN POLITICAL ENDS. (ALL PATRIOTIC MALAYSIANS SHARE THE SAME COMMON GOOD VALUES; LESS CORRUPTION, LESS WASTAGES & GREATER EFFICIENCY & BETTER GOVERNANCE SO THAT OUR BELOVED & BLESSED MALAYSIA CAN BE COMPETITIVE & BE HAPPY, PEACEFUL &PROSPEROUS) 4. They feel that anti Chinese bashing after GE-13 should stop. They want to be respected as Malaysians with equal rights guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, not as pendatangs, to have some say in the affairs of state in so far as those policies affect their welfare and interests, and they want to contribute to the future development of Malaysia. I am sure that, like me, THEY ARE DISAPPOINTED WITH A FORMER PRIME MINISTER (THE MAMAK DEVIL) WHO HAS ABANDONED HIS BANGSA MALAYSIA VISION in order to further HIS INTEREST IN SEEING A KETUANAN MELAYU 1MALAY MALAYSIA. I will have none of this. Just give me a Malaysia for all citizens, irrespective of race, creed, color and religion so that together we can face the challenges of a 21st century world. - Dato Din Merican
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:39:18 +0000

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