| MERDEKA DAY | BEST WISHES FROM A MALAYSIAN-BORN 3CK: Heartiest felicitations to all Malaysian friends on their fifty-seventh Independence Day. On August 31 1957, the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from the British. Malaysia today is a vibrant and modern multi-cultural country- a model of economic growth for other developing countries. As someone born in Malaysia, this great country will always hold a special place in my heart. I have lived in Kuala Lumpur cumulatively for over a decade as a child and teenager. Every time I have visited Malaysia every since, I realise it is not my second home but in fact home for a 3CK (third culture kid) who has grown up in three countries. There is no doubt that many of my core values have been shaped by life in Malaysia, including a deep appreciation for multicultural diversity (not to mention rendang, dumplings and paratas, maybe all in the same meal). I was lucky to grow up in the Malaysia of the nineties characterised by growth, harmony and unity under a visionary political leadership- I have been an avowed follower of the Tun Dr Mahathir development model of peace, stability and continuity for national progress. It has been a tough year for Malaysia with MH370 and MH17. I would like to dedicate my Merdeka Day wishes specifically for Malaysia Airlines, the national airliner. Every time I hear the all-familiar greeting after landing in KL I have goosebumps: To all visitors, welcome to Malaysia; and, to all Malaysians, welcome home. As someone who can identify with both groups addressed by the pilot, this greetings has always been extra special for me. On this day, I would like to reiterate my loyalty to Malaysia Airlines as a frequent traveler. The fact is MH has one of the best safety records in the world notwithstanding the tragedies this year. In my last trip to Dhaka via KL, I have traveled on MH. I will continue to do the same for my next trips. Malaysia Airlines has given us great service all these years carrying us afar and bringing us back home, it is only natural we will stand by it during this difficult time. I am not giving up on MH, I hope others will do the same. To all my Malaysian friends, I hope you will come together on this auspicious day to celebrate your rich diversity and remarkable achievements as a nation. Having grown up in Malaysia, I have no doubt that the next generation of Malays, Chinese and Indians will stand proud of their nation and consider themselves as Malaysians first. All Malaysians need to stand up against extremists in their respective communities who want to divide the country and harm its social fabric. There are bigots in every society, but they must not get any political space. So, is everything perfect in Malaysia? Of course, not. The truth is there is no country in the world where everything is rosy, including Malaysia. It is inevitable that there will be challenges in the nation-building process for any country, in particular diverse ones. But what is important is that the people must come together as a nation to address those challenges and emerge stronger for it. I would request my Malaysian friends to look at the glass half full than half empty- the future holds bright for you to build an even more inclusive and dynamic society, but you have to unlock the power in each of you to make that happen. Wishing the best for Malaysia and Malaysians in the coming year. May your great country remain united amidst its diversity- please never forget that your multiculturalism isnt your weakness but your greatest strength as a nation. Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka! Saya Cinta Malaysia! God bless Malaysia!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:17:49 +0000

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