• MILLIONS AGAINST JESUS. MAN.THAT.CAN.TURN.ON.LIGHT_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-1229M 131 GLARE, WALKING IN A GLARE (SEE?), A MIRAGE, A FALSE CONCEPTION OF TRUE LIGHT. HE PROVED THAT HE WAS THE LIGHT, BECAUSE HE BEING IN THE--WAY IN THE MINORITY (OH, MY.), MILLIONS AGAINST HIM. There was not one sixth of the people, one ninetieth of the people on the earth ever knowed He was here. Not I guess, one--one hundredth of the Jews, or hardly one fiftieth of them or fortieth of them, Ill say--maybe less than that--of His own country ever knowed He was there. And them that did know He was there, considered Him a false something, because the denomination told them thats what He was. See? But yet He was the true Light that had been spoke since Genesis in the beginning, and asked them to search the Scriptures and find out if He wasnt living just in that time, if He--the works that He did didnt fulfill exactly what was promised of that time. Amen. Oh, what a serious thing it is, brother. Were living in a tremendous time. He proved to be the right.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:48:42 +0000

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