-MINA MAGAZINE- *admin hanya translate yang bagian donghae aja - TopicsExpress


-MINA MAGAZINE- *admin hanya translate yang bagian donghae aja * [eng trans] - your first japan tour ended in success. donghae: eunhyuk and i have been saying that we wanted to do a tour for a while so we were happy that it came true. going to many different places to meet the fans made me feel closer to them and i wanted to get on the stage more. eunhyuk: i think we will remember this tour forever. it was the first time with just the two of us and we got closer to the japanese fans. - during the tour your japanese improved. eunhyuk: we put a lot of effort into our japanese. singing and dancing is something that we always do and when we promote as super junior we dont have many things we are in charge of because there are many members but this time it was just us two so there were lots of things to do. but we wanted to communicate with the fans so we worked hard. - how did you actually practice? donghae: we practiced by ourselves but the interpreter and staff helped us. they taught us dialects. eunhyuk: even for a short phrase we could tell our japanese was gradually getting better and it became fun. because of that what started out as a concert in the beginning of the tour became more of a fanmeeting with each show! the amount of talking increased (laughs) [indo trans] - Tur Jepang pertama kalian berakhir sukses. Donghae: Eunhyuk dan aku pernah berkata bahwa kita ingin melakukan tur jadi kita sangat senang ketika itu menjadi kenyataan. Pergi ke banyak tempat berbeda untuk bertemu fans membuatku merasa lebih dekat dengan mereka dan aku ingin berada di panggung terus. - Bagaimana kalian berlatih (bahasa Jepang)? Donghae: Kita berlatih sendiri tapi pengajar dan staf membantu kami. Mereka mengajarkan kami dialek (cara pengucapan) [eng trans] - other than the tour you attended events such as kansai collection and tokyo girls award. donghae: we had never performed at these kinds of events in japan so we are thankful to have been given a chance for more people to get to know us. many of our fans came to cheer for us so we wouldnt get nervous. it gave us a lot of power and was very encouraging! eunhyuk: we could see the lightsticks from the stage! donghae: super juniors lightstick is blue and from the stage it is very beautiful. the members and i say that we are glad to have choosen this color. (we want to see the blue ocean again so) we always say that we want to do a concert soon, that we want to meet the fans. - you mentioned your members but what is the difference between when you promote as super junior? eunhyuk: because there are many members just deciding what to eat for dinner takes time. from the time someone says what should we do? to actually doing it takes a long time. but when its just us two it doesnt take time to decide and is easy probably because donghae and i are alike. - what is the bad part? eunhyuk: nothing. just the two of us is enough (laughs) donghae: (laughs) eunhyuk: since the other members werent with us this time i thought it would be lonely but it wasnt (laughs) because we could meet the fans! [indo trans] -Selain tur, kalian menghadiri acara seperti Kansai Collection dan Tokyo Girl’s Award Donghae: Kita belum pernah tampil pada acara seperti itu di Jepang, jadi kita berterima kasih diberi kesempatan sehingga lebih banyak orang yang tahu kami. Fans kami datang untuk menyemangati kami jadi kita tidak gugup. Hal itu memberikan kami banyak kekuatan dan sangat menggembirakan! Donghae: Lightstick Super Junior berwarna biru dan dari panggung (terlihat) sangat indah. Member dan aku sangat senang karena telah memilih warna ini. (kita ingin melihat Blue Ocean lagi) Kita selalu berkata bahwa kita ingin melakukan konser secepatnya, kita ingin bertemu fans. -Bagian apa yang sulit (kalau cuma berdua )? Eunhyuk: Tidak ada. Hanya kami berdua sudah cukup (tertawa). Donghae: (tertawa) [eng trans] - please tell us the concept for your new single skeleton. donghae: its a dance song that makes your body move while listening to it like our other songs. it has a different appeal from oppa oppa and i wanna dance. i think its a song that shows how weve grown from our album ride me. eunhyuk: we actively took part in the making of it by putting in our opinions in both the song and mv so it is a song we feel attached to. were glad if everyone would like it. - why an original single in japan? eunhyuk: after finishing the japan tour we wanted to show how we have grown. donghae: we wanted to show our gratitude to the fans who came to our tour. - did the recording go smoothly? eunhyuk: we had to rap in japanese fast while being careful about the pronounciation so it was difficult before we got the hang of it but it was really fun. - any stories about the jacket shooting or the mv filming? eunhyuk: we wanted to make the image of the song easy to understand. i think shooting with golgol-chan (the skeleton) was especially impressive. donghae: we stayed up all night to film the mv and it took one whole day. but kangin and ryeowook came to the set and i worked hard until the end because of it. - the two of you have known each other for fifteen years. did you learn anything new about each other during the unit activities? eunhyuk: we have been together for such a long time i know evrything about donghae to the extent that i wonder if its alright to know so much. i can predict what donghae will do. donghae is in the palm of my hands (laughs) donghae: (jokingly) i dont know anything about eunhyuk. i dont know what he is thinking (laughs) eunhyuk: donghae probably doesnt get my consideration. donghae: i only think about what i want to think about. only about elf japan! - lastly give us a message. donghae: im happy to release a new single in japan and show ourselves to the fans! eunhyuk: please look forward to donghae & eunhyuk who will continue to grow! [indo trans] -Tolong jelaskan kami konsep untuk lagu baru kalian “Skeleton” Donghae: Itu adalah lagu dance yang akan membuat tubuhmu bergerak ketika mendengarkannya seperti lagu kami yang lainnya. Itu berbeda dari “Oppa Oppa” dan “I Wanna Dance”. Aku pikir lagu itu menunjukkan bagaimana kami berkembang dari album “Ride Me”. -Mengapa lagunya (diluncurkan) di Jepang? Donghae: Kita ingin menunjukkan terima kasih kami kepada fans yang datang ke tur kami. - Adakah cerita tentang jacket shooting atau mv filming? Donghae: Kami melakukannya sepanjang hari untuk membuat mv. Tapi Kangin dan Ryeowook datang ke lokasi dan aku bekerja keras sampai selesai karena itu. -Kalian berdua telah mengenal satu sama lain selama 15 tahun. Adakah hal baru yang kalian ketahui satu sama lain ketika melakukan aktivitas berdua? Eunhyuk: (*intinya eunhyuk bilang kalo eunhyuk mengetahui semuanya tentang Donghae) Donghae: (bercanda) Aku tidak mengetahui apapun tentang Eunhyuk. Aku tidak tahu apa yang sedang dia pikirkan (tertawa). Donghae: Aku hanya berpikir tentang apa yang aku ingin pikirkan. Hanya tentang ELF Jepang! -Terakhir, berikan kami pesan Donghae: Aku senang karena meluncurkan lagu baru di Jepang dan menunjukkan diri kami ke fans! [eng trans] donghae: before the sapporo show of the tour i went to an onsen. there was an onsen in our room and it was really nice so if i were to go on a date i want to go to an onsen. stay in the onsen for about thirty minutes, eat ramen, watch a movie and play card games! [indo trans] Donghae: Sebelum Sapporo Show dari tur kami, aku berendam air panas. Di kamar kami ada onsen (tempat berendam air panas) dan itu sangat menyenangkan jadi jika aku pergi kencan, aku ingin pergi ke onsen. Berendam di onsen sekitar 30 menit, makan ramen, menonton film, dan bermain kartu! [eng trans] donghae: my ideal type is someone who has long hair, white skin and is about 166-168 cm. i like girls who have pretty eyes, is kind and intelligent. there is one most important thing! pretty fingers. actually i made a song about fingers. its not the type of song that i should sing though so maybe someday one of the super junior members or artists from the company will sing it (laughs) [indo trans] (*disimak baik-baik, mungkin aja masuk tipe idealnya Donghae HAHA) Donghae: Tipe idealku adalah seseorang yang punya rambut panjang, kulit putih dan tinggi sekitar 166-168 cm. Aku suka perempuan yang punya mata indah, baik, dan cerdas. Ada satu hal yang paling penting! Jari yang indah. Sebenarnya, aku telah membuat lagu tentang jari (*agak aneh ya bacanya haha). Itu bukan tipe lagu yang biasa aku nyanyikan jadi mungkin suatu hari nanti salah satu member Super Junior atau artis lain dari perusahaan akan menyanyikan itu (tertawa). [eng trans] donghae: i like someone who is bright and is full of energy. someone who jumps and hops like a rabbit. (when asked what is a gesture that you like?) a gesture? hmmm? ... anyway itd be good if they ran around like a rabbit! (laughs) [indo trans] Donghae: Aku suka seseorang yang ceria dan penuh semangat. Seseorang yang meloncat-loncat seperti kelinci. (ketika ditanya “gesture seperti apa orang yang kamu suka?”) gesture? Hmmmm?...Itu sangat baik jika mereka berlari seperti kelinci! (tertawa) [eng trans] donghae: i used to have a very bad temper. but ever since i realized that it causes trouble to the people around me and isnt very good when something bad happens i go to the bathroom and calm myself down while looking in the mirror. i think there are times like this its not just me think positively and try to understand as much as possible. if i have my friends i talk to them but its not like i call my friends and do something. i am someone who solves things on my own. [indo trans] Donghae: Aku mempunyai kontrol emosi yang buruk. Tapi ketika aku sadar hal itu menimbulkan masalah pada orang-orang di sekitarku dan itu tidak baik ketika suatu hal buruk terjadi, aku pergi ke kamar mandi dan menenangkan diriku sambil melihat ke cermin. Aku berpikir “Ada waktu ketika seperti ini” “Ini bukan hanya aku” “Berpikir positif” dan mencoba memahami sebisa mungkin. Jika ada teman, aku menceritakan kepadanya tapi bukan seperti yang menghubunginya dan melakukan sesuatu. Aku adalah seseorang yang menyelesaikan masalah dengan caraku sendiri. [eng trans] donghae: what kind of man do i want to be in the future? a family man of course (laughs) also know all about interior... i like taking pictures so i want to be good at taking pictures. five years later i will probably still be doing tours in japan. i could be married and have kids. well i dont know for sure about the future (laughs) [indo trans] Donghae: Pria seperti apa yang aku ingin di masa depan? Pria berkeluarga tentunya (tertawa) juga tahu tentang semua interior... Aku suka mengambil gambar jadi aku ingin menjadi fotografer yang handal. 5 tahun kemudian, aku mungkin akan tetap melakukan tur di Jepang. Aku bisa menikah dan mempunyai anak. Sebenarnya, aku tidak tahu pasti tentang masa depan (tertawa). Eng trans by xmep Indo trans by admin babyhae -babyhae-
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:50:26 +0000

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