~MITB Predictions. WWE shouldnt miss their big opportunity. All - TopicsExpress


~MITB Predictions. WWE shouldnt miss their big opportunity. All right so I was going to shoot a video & post it on youtube but I dont have time to mess with it. Here are my predictions for tonights Money In The Bank PPV. WWE Tag Title Match, The Wyatts vs. The Usos (c) All signs point toward the Wyatts winning this. Theyve been on a hot streak as of late and seem to have Jimmy & Jays numbers. Should be a great match. When given time, both these tag teams can impress. Just look at the Usos vs. The Shield tag title match from MITB a year ago as an example. Its the big Swamp Monsters time though. They should have a nice impressive little run with the titles. Itd be nice if Bray became world champion too so the Wyatts could dominate WWE for a while. Big E vs. Rusev w/Lana Well heres an opportunity for us to see what Rusevs got. Whether the guy can go for 10-15 minutes or not cuz his repertoire has looked extremely limited in the squash matches hes been having on tv. Despite what some have said I think Big E still has a lot of potential as he agile and pretty versatile for a big guy. Im not expecting much here. Some wicked kicks, maybe some interference by the beautiful blonde who loves making fun of America, Lana yelling Rusev crush! and Rusev cinches in that camel clutch to continue his undefeated streak. Goldust & Stardust vs. Ryback & Curtiss Axel Eh, whatever... I think the Stardust gimmick is stupid. How will poor Cody ever get over as a bigger circus act than his brother Dustins Goldust character? Somewhere down the line I imagine this will result in the two brothers squaring off and having a match before Dustin retires. The tag team scene sure needs revitalized after all these break-ups theyve had lately. Goldust & Stardust will win this to continue their goofy push. Divas Championships match Naomi vs. Paige (c) Could be Paiges best match to date since being brought up from NXT. Naomi is one of the most athletic divas and when given some time she may be able to shine here. I wouldnt be surprised if Cameron gets involved here & somehow accidentally costs Naomi the match resulting in a much foreseen break-up of the Funkadactyls. MITB Contract Match Jack Swagger w/Zeb Coulter vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Seth Rollins vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose Interesting mix of guys here. This could be the more fun of the two ladder matches in terms of spots and that kind of thing. Kudos to Ziggler & Barrett for what I thought was a great IC title match on RAW. While Dean Ambrose is the hottest of all the commodities in this match so it would make a lot of sense if he won and had a year to cash in that briefcase. However, due to his ongoing feud with Seth Rollins & the Authority it makes more sense for the heel to win as it will setup a bitter longterm feud between Rollins & Ambrose. For that reason, Im going to say Rollins wins the briefcase thanks to some shenanigans (maybe the King of Kings himself interfering) igniting a feud between two former partners similar to what we saw between Sandow & Rhodes only this one has higher stakes as one or both of these guys could be made into main event players. MITB WWE Unified Title Match Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Cesaro w/Paul Heyman And so after not having an active championship that could be defended the last two months due to Daniel Bryans untimely neck injury were finally going to have a new champion crowned. Im not sure why they threw ADR & Kane into the mix here. Maybe just to have more bodies to throw off ladders threw tables, perhaps? WWE has a chance to be bold here and not only create a new star, but crown a new champion who can go on and headline future WrestleManias. If I were booking the match Id have Bray Wyatt win as he is the most over heel in the company (besides part-timer Brock Lesnar) who consistently churns out great creepy promos & already has stellar feuds with Bryan and Cena to his credit under his short tenure on the main roster. Roman Reigns also makes sense because he may be on his way to becoming the next face of the company. If he wins he could go on & defend the title against HHH at Summerslam. But because either of those two calls are looked at as bigger risks I expect WWE to make the conservative cookie cutter booking decision & look for you cant see me John Cena to somehow come out the victor and go on to face the Beast incarnate Brock Lesnar in a re-match only this time with the title on the line at Summerslam. I can hear the much justified moans & groans of protest from the IWC now. These are my predictions. What do you think will transpire?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:20:21 +0000

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