MUFTI FAYAAZ - DARUL ULOOM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WITH THE DAILY OPERATIONAL EXPENSES OF OUR DARUL ULOOM AS SALAAMU ALAYKUM WA RAHMATULAHE WA BARAKATU From a COAL MINE it has been turned into a DIAMOND MINE of ULEMA coming out of here and sent to all parts of our country and world. Invest in your future for the Akhirah as you invest for your future in this world by taking out various pension policies which is interest base and also HARAAM. This policy ends as soon one dies. This INVESTMENT will NEVER decrease not even when the world economy goes into a slump but will ALWAYS INCREASE no matter what the condition of the world is right until QIYAAMAH. There is NO better investment than this because YOU WILL be INVESTING in ULEMA who WILL be TAKING our DEEN to ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD , EDUCATING, REVERTING, GUIDING and PROTECTING the IMAAN of the masses. ALHUMDULILLAH we have now expanded into CENTRAL DURBAN in COMMERCIAL STREET at COMMERCIAL CITY BUILDING. THE ISLAMIC CRISIS CENTRE which was on the13th FLOOR space is shared US. WE OCCUPY THE ENTIRE FLOOR. Our FINAL YEAR STUDENTS ARE BEING TAUGHT THERE. WE ENCOURAGE ONE AND ALL TO COME AND SIT IN THE LESSONS TO SEE HOW THEY ARE CONDUCTED. ALL of this BARAKAH YOU WILL RECEIVE even in your grave. This also includes me. There is a Ahadith to the effect that When one is in the grave, the person will ask ALLAH as to what he/she had done then ALLAH will remind them of this investment that he/she had done whilst in the world. Whilst this person was alive he/she considered it insignificant but in the grave and Day of Qiyaamah it will come to YOUR RESCUE INSHA’ALLAH. We are looking for people who can assist with a monthly contribution of R500 or once off yearly contribution of R12000 per student. We have over 300 students which equates to R3.6 million per year operational costs. This includes everything food, water & lights, salaries, books. We will accept CASH or KIND and also LILLAH, SADAKAH, ZAKAH, AQIKAH or QURBANI You can logon to our website to view our Darul Uloom at Or you can email the Darul Uloom at jamia@faizululoom Should you encounter any problems with any of the above you can contact Mufti Fayaaz at: 061 474 0697, or me, Moulana Abdool at: 082 747 9670
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:12:25 +0000

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