***MUST READ!! & SERIOUSLY PONDERED ON*** ON: SISTERS CORNER! NONI! HOW TO MAKE UR HUSBAND CRAZY 4U!!! DEAR PRECIOUS SISTERS, When you marry a person. He not only becomes your husband but also your maintainer, protector, supportor, lover, friend, boyfriend and the father of your babies. so it should be your effort to make him happy and pleased with you all the time. A woman will enter Jannah if she dies in a state when her husband was pleaded with her. ( meaning of a Hadith) So there are some tips to make your hubby crazy for you. 1- Wake up for fajr n make your husband wake up for it. And if he doesnt wake up. Try to wake him up by love as kiss or hug. And if he wakes up. Greet him with smile on ur face n hug him n motivate him to do wudu fast n go to Masjid. 2- Get his dress ready clean n pressed before his bath. You can also help him take bath or take bath with him. 3- Always ensure that your hubby takes his breakfast n also give him a tiffin bcz most of the time men dont get time for it outside or take very unhygienic food. He is your husband, so it is ur duty to take care of his health. 4- When seeing him off for office. Kiss him n hug him n whisper in his ears that you ll be waiting for him. 5- Dont disturb your hubby frequently by calling him, bcz u dont know in what mood he is in his office or shop. It is better that u send him a message. And if he calls you, pick his call with excitement as if you were missing him or waiting for his call. These are little things to do but it always pays good dividends. 6- if he gets late. Dont start getting worried or doubtful. Give him a call n ask him politely that Are you busy? or I think you are getting late today. Or you are missing him and wants him at home soon. 7- Flirt with him day in day out Be creative in ur flirt, seduce him or make him exited for you. 8- when he comes home. Greet him, take his back or whatever he has brought. Ask him to sit peacefully n serve him water. Dont start ur home drama as soon as he reaches home. If he brings anything. Dont try to find fault in it even there is some fault. But later when he feels good n relaxed tell him ur problems or anything. Make his faults and mistakes seem easy to correct. 9- Dont be egoistic and think that if your husband wants to be physical then only he should approach. Bcz he is a man n you are a woman. so you are the Owner of love. Always think that one is useless without other in case of love and child bearing. 10- Offer yourself n everything very happily at anytime he demands either day or night, Sunday or Monday. Be satisfied with him for everything he does or brings fr u. Appreciate him. Encourage him. Motivate him. Love him. Adore him. Care for him. Be crazy for him. And must respect him. As I m not married or very learned one. I m writing it as per my observation and introspection. So there may be many mistakes or not according to your philosophy. And one may think that why only wife is asked to do these things. Then I tell you very simple thing. What you give better you receive. If you give respect, u get respect. If you madly love ur hubby, he ll be crazy for u. PLZ, DO SHARE...#JAZAKA_ALLAHU_KHAYRAN! May Allah,swt assist U!, all in the course of loving Ur Spouse. #AAMEEN_YA_RABB!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:11:50 +0000

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