#MUSTREAD Dear Mr Godana Doyo I write this letter with a lot - TopicsExpress


#MUSTREAD Dear Mr Godana Doyo I write this letter with a lot of apathy and despair; I feel low and for the last couple of months, my wish and that of my County men and women has been that we could reverse back the hand of time quickly and make more radical decisions that is closer to our heart than ever before. It might seemingly be late, but when that right time comes, we will vote with our minds and not our hearts. To be sincere, we feel undignified and raped by the very person we competently trusted and believed in. Sir, your election, to this coveted post is about the trust we overtly had in you at the expense of our own home grown ‘devils’. The failure to trust one of our own is haunting us real time, not because they are still coercing us nor they have stopped making their small harambee contributions but because, we unfairly vilified, fixed and portrayed them as incompetent and people who lack(s) the will to unite, protect and defend our land. Sir, you are election is a case of a person(s) who stabbed him/herself. Sir, we sacrificed both our sitting leaders and new entrants on the premise that you will be a uniting factor. Your actions and company has a been an abuse to our County and of our JIMA brothers who endorsed and presented you before the entire Boran under the call for Borantity, you also know that we never questioned your birthplace but collectively elected you as our head and the first Borana political leader to occupy the seat of a Governor. Lest you forget sir, you must be aware of how you’re our own clan electoral system and process (JIMA) and later that of other Borana moieties accepted your candidature and forthwith uses their majority therein to put you in office. With how things are and by the very look of the state of the County, the very believe that you will lead us to Canaan, is fast diminishing and this might remain for Wasole’s an invalid dream. Sir, it’s unfortunate that you are leadership trend is very similar to that of your master, the former Isiolo North Parliamentary member and now senator, Isiolo County, Dr. Mohamed Abdi Kuti, whose effort has been known to undermine the Boran and the clamour for Borantity. I am sure that you are aware of his past misdeed and leadership, which has left this County and Borantity bleeding. It’s unfortunate that you are blindly nodding to his antics, where he uses you to further disenfranchise us. Sir, if you are quite sure about your abilities and intellect and that you are passionate about change, about Borans and about the County, there is no reason why Dr. Kuti whom you’ve given a new political life could use you and water down what you believe in(if at all it existed, which I doubt). If unchecked, Dr. Kuti’s antics and scheme is to portray you as incompetent fellow and use it against you in 2017. Either way, we will not stand with you but to look for somebody who is passionate, has the will to grow and can listen to us. Our county is in shambles, and the quality of life for hundreds of ordinary Isiolo County resident is compromised. The few billions meant for development and consequently transforming lives is being wasted. Our confidence in our county’s governance and leadership is characterised by apathy, our dream of sound economic and political system, is at all-time low. To undermine our growth, you surround yourself with equally people who are not only incompetent but selfish and who do not represent and defend our interest, of people who lack vision and deliver on commitments. Why on earth do we have people who are from other Counties and are not even knowledgeable about our issues in your cabinet WHEN you could have best given it to Merians, Turkana’s and Samburu’s? Sir, who told you that the local Somali population (Both Somalis and Garreh people) has no qualification to handle some of these posts? Sir, If some of your action has gone to a local, the value and impact could have been much bigger in terms of developing future capacities and even promoting cohesion rather than when somebody from Garissa/Mandera is brought in. We very well know that it was not about qualification but about appeasing your other master and shrewd businessman Mr. Abdi Viazi. Why stoop so low, when we could have shopped around from the ethnic groups living in Isiolo? It’s unfortunate that 98% of people you appointed to head key ministries lack the experience, innovatiness and knowledge to transform the County in terms of both short and long term development plans. We are also aware of conflict between your Executive Committee members and the Chief Officers and lest you come in and reign in this incompetent and rogue ‘ministers’ the harder and difficult it will be for you to Govern. Sir, if you are unaware, Isiolo has the most qualified human resources compared to other Counties in Northern Kenya and the failure on you are part, to employ or even mobilize these great men and women is either you are incapacitated or incompetent yourself or yours is just out of the fear of being challenged by these great minds. Sir, it’s quite unfortunate that I have never heard of your association with these great minds either within Isiolo or even during your numerous trips to Nairobi. I think you’ve been unfair and undignified us too much and I am shocked by your failure to trust us with even your own security yet we have trusted our own powers and funds with you. I really don’t understand how a Garreh body guard would safeguard your security than a Borana body guard. A look across other counties, the other governors uses their own ‘boys’ no men to provide him with security. As the CEO, you should take responsibility for the lamentable state in which this great County finds itself. The inexcusable state of affairs must surely have something to do with the manner in which you assumed the office. It could be your or our own making and we warn you that the disregard you had for us and on the semblance for the rule of law through your actions, appointments and how county business opportunity is given are unacceptable and intolerable to us. The silence that is coming from you is a testimony that you are happy with the status quo or inexcusably you are not aware how this great County is managed and is highly regrettable and will likely render you unfit to be the governor of this great County. As a lawyer and a onetime Commissioner with KNCHR, you must be aware of the consequences of abuse of power, high handiness and use of the public office for personal gain or benefit, or using County resources to buy loyalty from individuals above the public good has no place in 21st century and modern Kenya. Here, impeachment is the dose and we don’t want to enforce this on you. Sir, Isiolo County resident are angry and have all the reason to be with what seems to be a dysfunctional government, that is out of touch with reality. The despair is unspeakable, the very foundation and the system that you need to build for the next incoming government (I am sure you won’t return) is non-existent and this inefficiencies best describe your lack of intelligence and innovation to arrest this very slip into the despair, apathy and regret for the County resident and particularly those people who voted you in. We are aware of your cry, of the insincere challenge that you keep on saying that we get very little when in reality the very little we get is still not utilised as appropriate. The lack of will on your part to curb the spills and be in charge is a testimony that you or somebody close to you is benefitting. Why on earth does somebody drive not on one weekend but every weekend to his home in Garissa using our resources? How special is somebody that he uses our vehicles/resources in running personal errands and miraa chewing? Sir, while all these are happening, you never come up with an effective affirmative action to protect the locals but it seemingly look, that you blessed and nodded to these schemes by the greedy and incompetent staff further marginalization’s and suck us. Sir do you know that in other counties all the opportunities including consultancies go to the locals while in Isiolo you are ignoring the local elites and professionals? Please look around and you will discover that Isiolo can offer Engineers, very experienced Civil servants, Medics, Teachers/educationist, development experts, Lawyers and other cadres of skill in every industry that the County want to invest in. Sir the constitution has promised us the independence with the promise of almost 3 billion shillings inflow including the equalizations funds every year meant for development which if not designed through creative programmes is bound to end up as a failure base on the long tedious procurement process and the prevailing corruption in your government. There is a clear indication or signs that development has become the target of looters and thieves while your staffs are on the run for no add value reason on per diem making missions. Sir spare us the crap like the recent County Assembly trip to Dubai or Japan, where we have spent unnecessary amount of funds yet we don’t any value to show for such trips? And by the way, have you signed in bill into a law? This is all craps and you must rise to the occasion and take charge of the County resources and the people for the public good. Please spare us another cry we have had under the past leadership. You also need to spare yourself, the Jima and the larger Boran community further embarrassment of ineffectual leadership laced by the feeling that it is our own making. Please avoid being judged harshly by future generations. Yours Faithfully Team, Isiolo Yetu
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:41:49 +0000

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