~~~~ MY INNER-TOUCHING WITH `BABA` - CLEARED MANY DOUBTS IN ME ! ~~~~ After my experience with our Baba, I got the blesses to understand the Mothers creation, who is one Father & Mother, for what purpose our birth took place? the easiest way of knowledge to reach Oneness of God , who is real guru and their limitations! the difference between Guru & Avatar, who is jeeva? difference between one Guru & `jeeva` extra., I put my messages in my Fb pages with above subjects in a fearless attempt with Babas blessings up to now. The whole creation including Gods, Gurus or Avatars were also females in nature and they were, with in the nature`s power. One created body of `jeeva` leaves the nature is a rule to all by our un-identified ` Super-power`. When `jeeva` enters in to the created body means, it has to vacate the body for a time period only is a rule fixed by the `Super-power`; no exemption to any including `Tri-Moorty`s or Tri-Matha`s extra., Gods like `Indra`, `varun` extra., they were also come under the creation. It is a rule to leave the body in a stipulated time to all Gurus, Avatars, and human with animals in this life-circle of creation applied to all one & same, no priorities to anybody. If you find the fact! it was proved in our Babas issue also, again we are expecting Baba`s re-incarnation as `Prema Sai will also be an innocence of our devotee`s assumption only. Please understand that everything is under control of oneness. Who knows it? When there is an assumption, it should leads to another disappointment for second time also. The one unidentified `Super-power`(`Vidhata` as a dictator have no gender, shape, identity, self exalted extra., but bifurcates this `Super-power` in to `two` as only one`Purush` & only one `Female` for creation purpose), one `Purush` as (positive, `+`) is behind the creation as un-identified as a `sky` all over, an endless un attached extra., to keep Mother`s creation as an earth ( negative, `-`), it is a fact in electricity also, with positive and negative connections combined only, the energy of this `creation` started with life or `jeeva`! We have to understand our birth, how it took place! when we took birth means, we should with in the creation & nature`s power only. If we surrender with `Love`to that `Super-power`, we will get all blessings with the help of Gurus, books, Spiritual themes extra., Then we will be eligible as `jeeva` to reach Mother Baba`s family. We will get all knowledge of creation, creator, solvation, liberation extra., Many of our devotees are expecting for Baba`s re-incarnation as `PremaSai` in future, there is no necessity for Baba to another incarnation as PremaSai, he given all the lessons & resources to serve with `selfless-Love` sacrifice (as an essence, an easiest method) to nature & humanity itself is a qualification to a real devotee to be his Avatar as `PremSai`; because more PremSais were required to clean-up this huge dirt with bad smell in the whole universe, one `PremaSai` is not sufficient for this change. Our Mother created two ways of bad & good character roles before her feet, in her lost days of hospitalization, to choose the path of our interest. At liest we should make a step forward to clean the dirt of old-Body members with new Body-blood. Some were assuming Baba will look after all these things is foolish; because we are with the nature! I ask one thing to these people `Do they touch a fire with a belief on Baba?` It is our first attempt to kill the bad in any shape as `love-soldiers`. Proved that we have also angry if demands! It is too late in our action to remove dirt of old-body, so let us start now with new attempt from village level samithi level to force District & State convener`s action to dismiss old-body, if not their role will also be under doubt? because it is a trusted Organisation to save all around with all aspects! So our Mother Satya Sai Baba changed her strategy in this way! There were so many scalars and real devotees attached with Baba. So Baba wants to see her seeds of `Love` to be grown in to be gigantic trees to give shade to the needy through `Love-creation-factory` as a big SRI SATYA SAI - `LOVE` ORGANISATION IN THE WORLD for future generations to generates more love, more love ..... all over forever!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:53:06 +0000

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