• Mafitlhe News, Gaborone tweets: Nel asks why such a - TopicsExpress


• Mafitlhe News, Gaborone tweets: Nel asks why such a recording wasnt played to witnesses so they could say if that was the voice they heard. #Pistorius: I dont know • Mafitlhe News, Gaborone tweets: Nel asks if his voice was tested. #Pistorius says it was. Theres a recording of this, his voice is high pitched when screaming. • 12:02: Mr Nel now moves on to Mr Pistorius explanation for the screams heard by his neighbours in the early hours of 14 February 2013. One of them, Anette Stipp, testified that she had heard both a man and a woman scream, but Mr Pistorius tells the court that he screams like a woman and that Ms Stipp had confused his screams with those of Ms Steenkamp. • 11:48: Mr Nel asks Mr Pistorius why he told the perceived intruders to get out when there was no way to leave the toilet other than through the door. The athlete says he wasnt thinking. Mr Nel replies: I wasnt thinking is not a good answer. • 11:45: Mr Nel says the noise Mr Pistorius heard was Ms Steenkamp falling on the magazine rack after the first shot was fired, hitting her in the hip. The prosecutor says the first bullet was aimed at the toilet. After hearing the rack move, Mr Pistorius changed aim, Mr Nel alleges. The athlete says he could not possibly have heard her falling on a magazine rack while he was shooting. • 11:43: A photograph of the toilet is shown to the court. Yellow rods can be seen coming out of the door showing the trajectory of the bullets fired by Mr Pistorius. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Thats the first time #OscarPistorius has offered that explanation in court for the sound he heard • 11:40: Mr Nel says the toilet door never opened, so that could not have been the noise Mr Pistorius claimed to hear before opening fire. The athlete says he heard wood moving. Mr Nel says he is not interested in his perceptions. Mr Pistorius says he now suspects that he heard a magazine rack moving inside the toilet. • Max, in York, UK emails: Sometimes it seems as though Gerrie Nel is agreeing with Pistorius until he stops and says But Ill have to stop you there... Then you know another blow for Pistorius is on its way. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel reminds #OscarPistorius of gun ownership tests he took, regarding when appropriate to fire on intruders. • Priyanka Desai in India tweets: Nel is not letting this go: for probably the third time in cross-examination, he hones in on motives/thoughts of #OscarPistorius as he shot. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Your evidence indicates a person in control. You were in control of the entire situation, says Nel. #OscarPistorius • 11:33: Mr Nel asks: You never said: Im armed, Im going to shoot? The defendant replies: Thats correct. I never intended to shoot, my lady, and I didnt want the person to know that I was armed, and what my position was. • 11:30: Mr Nel asks Mr Pistorius what he shouted when he believed the toilet door was being opened. He replies: I think I just shouted: Get out! • BBC Presenter Karin Giannone tweets: Nel says he thinks #OscarPistorius gets emotional because hes getting his defences confused. • 11:27: Mr Roux also says the prosecution is unnecessarily making Mr Pistorius emotional under cross-examination, going over events again and again. Mr Nel disagrees and the judge says she does believe the questioning has been repetitive. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel suggests #OscarPistorius got emotional because he got his versions wrong. Athlete denies that. • 11:21: Defence counsel Barry Roux tells the court Mr Pistorius had previously referred to the toilet door slamming shut before the shooting, backing up his testimony under cross-examination earlier on Monday. • 11:19: The judge has re-entered the courtroom and the trial will resume. • Nastasya Tay tweets: Difference b/w #OscarPistorius two defence strategies explained by @CriminalLawZA... 2 things to bear in mind. #OscarPistorius fired FOUR shots (involuntary action fail) at an UNMOVING door (putative self-defence fail). • Neil, in Cape Town, South Africa, emails: I am aghast that people are contributing by saying how exciting the trial is, how it is better than Hollywood movies. This is pure moral bankruptcy - somebody died horribly - this is not entertainment. • 11:13: Mr Nel asks for an adjournment, saying the witness is emotional. The judge agrees. • 11:12: Mr Pistorius cries out, in tears: Thats not true, my lady. I did not fire at Reeva. • 11:11: Mr Nel says: You now have to give a lot of answers. And you know why, Mr Pistorius? You know exactly - you fired at Reeva. These other versions of yours cannot work. You fired at her. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel is not letting this go: for probably the third time in cross-examination, he hones in on motives/thoughts of #OscarPistorius as he shot. • 11:07: I didnt fire to kill anyone, my lady, Mr Pistorius tells the judge. I didnt have time to think. I heard this noise and I thought it was someone coming out to attack me. So I fired my firearm. Mr Nel says Mr Pistorius has now now changed his defence from putative self-defence to involuntary action. Mr Pistorius says he does not understand the law. • 11:04: Mr Nel asks: Isnt your defence that you fired at the perceived attacker? Mr Pistorius replies: No, thats not my... I heard a noise and I didnt have time to interpret it and I fire my firearm out of fear. • Nomsa Maseko BBC News, Johannesburg tweets: Nel: Im not going to be satisfied with Im not sure answers. why did you not mention door slamming in your plea? Oscar: Im not sure • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Question for judge - how much should one infer from absence of detail (rather than direct contradictions) in bail statement? #OscarPistorius • 1054: Mr Nel asks why Mr Pistorius thought there was someone behind the toilet door. The athlete says he noticed the bathroom window was open, heard the toilet door slamming, and saw that it was shut. Mr Nel notes that in his bail application, Mr Pistorius had not mentioned any noise. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel looking to show that #OscarPistorius forgot to mention door slamming, because it never happened. • 10:48: Mr Pistorius gives details about what he could see inside the bathroom. Mr Nel says he has forgotten to mention the door slamming shut. The prosecutor challenges the defence team to object if they think he is wrong. Defence counsel Barry Roux says he will need to check the audio during lunch. • 10:42: The double-amputee runner describes moving towards the bathroom on his stumps, with the arm in which he was carrying his pistol bent. He says he struggled to keep the pistol pointing in the same direction. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: I hear you, but it doesnt make sense, says Nel, exultant - like a conductor building up for the big finish. #OscarPistorius • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel (doubtful) - when youre protected by a wall, youre too scared to scream… but not when walking down a passage. #OscarPistorius • 10:36: Mr Pistorius says he told his girlfriend: Reeva call the police. Then I shouted at the intruders to get out of my house, he adds. • 10:32: Mr Nel resumes questioning Mr Pistorius about what he shouted shortly before opening fire at the toilet door. • 10:31: Judge Thokozile Masipa has re-entered the courtroom. • 10:23: While the trial is adjourned temporarily, lets recap what happened earlier on Monday. Chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel accused Oscar Pistorius of tailoring the evidence to fit his account of what happened in the moments before he shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in his home last year. Chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel questions Oscar Pistorius • J Beach, Brighton, UK emails: Gerrie and OP are equally matched pedants! This trial is excruciating and compelling. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel masterful this morning - damning #OscarPistorius for short answers, and for long ones… • BBC journalist Pumza Fihlani tweets: Weve adjourned so #Pistorius can regain composure. • 09:58: Oscar Pistorius recounts his expletive-laden demand to what he believed was an intruder in the bathroom, and then bursts into tears. The judge swiftly calls for an adjournment. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: This must be at least third time #OscarPistorius has described these moments in court. Hes much calmer this time. Or was. Crying begins. • 09:52: Mr Nel now asks what Mr Pistorius was seeking to achieve when he drew his weapon. If somebody is in your house in the middle of the night, Im sure anyone would want to chase them out, the athlete says. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel is hectoring #OscarPistorius like an angry parent losing patience with a surly, uncooperative child. • 09:47: Mr Nel accuses the athlete of not listening to his questions, but listening for implications. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel concedes that #OscarPistorius keeps correcting him on small details. And cunningly uses that against the athlete… • 09:44: Mr Pistorius testifies that he is not changing his statement, just adding to it. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: In most cases, a bail statement would be brief. #OscarPistorius submitted detailed statement then. Nel now using that to his advantage... #OscarPistorius says bail statement written by his lawyers - says he was traumatised, on medication at time. • 09:42: Mr Nel points out that in his bail application, Mr Pistorius had not mentioned hearing a window slide open in the bathroom, only a noise. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Now to the sound of the bathroom window opening. #OscarPistorius says hes sure he heard it, and says Reeva would have heard it too... #OscarPistorius suggests Reeva would have been as scared as he was to hear window open. Nel suggests lack of conversation unlikely. • 09:36: The prosecutor now asks Mr Pistorius why Ms Steenkamp had not asked him why he was getting up in the middle of the night. The athlete says she asked only if he could not sleep. Ive been awake at night and someone has got up... and I havent asked them where theyre going, he adds. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel moves on from whisper debate, having evidently rattled #OscarPistorius and on to lack of conversation with Reeva in bedroom. • 09:31: Mr Nel accuses Mr Pistorius of tailoring evidence to suit his defence. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: #OscarPistorius is trying to show Nel is drawing wrong conclusions about whisper versus low tone. Dangerous to bait the bear… • Jenny Raymond, Scotland, emails: This live coverage puts the court case in A Few Good Men into the backwater... This is tense. • 09:27: Mr Pistorius says he was mistaken. • 09:26: Gerrie Nel asks Oscar Pistorius why he was now saying that he had not whispered to Reeva Steenkamp on his way to the bathroom but spoken in a low tone. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel, switching from his usual bad cop, to a good cop, cordially invites #OscarPistorius to admit an error in his improbable evidence. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel has a go at #OscarPistorius for touching his head, suggesting tiredness. Judge comes to athletes defence. • 09:26: Mr Nel shows the court a photograph of the duvet on Mr Pistorius bed and Ms Steenkamps death. He zooms in on a blood splatter. • Sky News Adam Tate tweets: #OscarPistorius supporters had taped the balloons together so theyve drifted up as a small white lump. Perhaps not the impact theyd hoped. • Sky News Alex Crawford tweets: #oscarpistorius Some supporters of OP gather outside court. Balloons have We love you and Hero scribbled on them pic.twitter/rnq4bHmmqv • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent Now to the bedroom tv, and its red power light . #OscarPistorius says its not very bright.... Nel seeking to show that #OscarPistorius claim that blue light bothered him is unlikely, given other lights from equipment in same area. • 09:21: Just to recap, Mr Pistorius testified earlier in the trial that the fan and other items had been moved or stolen from his bedroom after the shooting. He said he had picked up a pair of Ms Steenkamps jeans to cover the LED light on his amplifier which was bothering him. He had then heard a window slide open in his bathroom, said to Ms Steenkamp in a soft tone to call the police and to get down as he approached the bathroom with his gun in the early hours of 14 February, he added. Only after he had fired four shots at the bathroom door had he realised that he had shot Ms Steenkamp, he insisted. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Vehement defence from #OscarPistorius who says state trying to buy time, not him. Insists took only 30 sec to put prostheses on not 4 mins. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Nel says #OscarPistorius claims to cover up amplifier light is to buy time for his version to enable Reeva to get to bathroom. • 09:13: The prosecutor asks Mr Pistorius why he had testified that after he woke up on the night of the shooting, he picked up a pair of Ms Steenkamps jeans to cover the blue LED light on the amplifier. • Joshua, Shepton Mallet, UK emails: This Coverage has really opened my eyes. Im absolutely hooked and will lose my job if I keep watching at work! • 09:10: Mr Nel now focuses on a blue LED light on a stereo amplifier that Mr Pistorius says was the only light on in the bedroom at night. Mr Nel shows the court a photograph that shows the amplifier switched on. He asks the defendant why he had not switched off the amplifier before he went to bed. Mr Pistorius says he does not remember if he tried. • 09:03: The prosecutor asks Mr Pistorius about what he says are further inconsistencies between his previous statements and evidence collected by police. Mr Nel shows the court a photograph of a fan on the left-hand side of the bed and asks the athlete why he never said that he had put it in front of the bed. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Butterfly/bee boxing tactics from Nel this morning - hes jumping around from point to point. #OscarPistorius • Nomsa Maseko BBC News, Johannesburg tweets: Gerrie Nel to Pistorius: Your version is concocted and tailored to fit states case • 08:52: Mr Pistorius suggests that Ms Steenkamp might have gone downstairs to eat something while he was asleep. He concedes that he does not have another explanation. Mr Nel says there will be similar inconsistencies to come. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Judge picks #OscarPistorius up for whispering. He points out that hes not tailoring his version to suit his case, re. Reevas last meal. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: You were awake, there can be no other explanation (for Reevas stomach contents showing recent meal) says Nel. #OscarPistorius • 08:49: Mr Nel now asks Mr Pistorius why he was insisting that he and his girlfriend had eaten dinner sometime after 19:00 when the evidence suggested that she had eaten later on the night of her death. Her stomach should have been empty after six hours, but there was still food inside, the prosecutor says. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Im saying… she wanted to leave… and you were both awake, says Nel. And that there was an argument. Not true, replies #OscarPistorius • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Judge stares at the public gallery, saying she saw flash light… silence from the benches… #OscarPistorius • 08:42: Mr Nel asks Mr Pistorius about events leading up to Ms Steenkamps shooting. The prosecutor suggests that her clothes were out of place in the bedroom because she had intended to leave before the shooting. Mr Nel asks why Ms Steenkamps shoes were on the left-hand side of the bed if she was sleeping on the right, as Mr Pistorius says. The athlete replies that there was more space on the left-hand side. • 08:38: Mr Nel begins by telling Mr Pistorius that his version of how Ms Steenkamps died is so improbable that it cannot be reasonably possible. • 08:34: Judge Thokozile Masipa has entered the courtroom now and Gerrie Nel has resumed his cross-examination of Oscar Pistorius. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Enter… the pit bull. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel walks in to court, looking like hes had a relaxing weekend. #OscarPistorius less so. • Andrew Harding Africa correspondent tweets: Good morning from courtroom D. Week 2 of #OscarPistorius evidence about to resume. Hes sitting beside his sister. Looks like both praying. • Nomsa Maseko BBC News, Johannesburg tweets: #Oscar supporters outside court. He is not alone and we support him. We believe hes innocent because he loved #Reeva • 08:30: Welcome to our live coverage of the fourth day of Oscar Pistorius cross-examination on charges of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:16:41 +0000

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