[ Main Story: Chapter 71 - Nakama is My Family, The Heartbreaking - TopicsExpress


[ Main Story: Chapter 71 - Nakama is My Family, The Heartbreaking Farewell. ] ( Warning: Possible Long Reading Chapter, I do not mind if you want to not read this chapter but to get a better understanding of things its best to read. ) = m.youtube/watch?v=ZxnqSTzq6-w= The Day of the Funeral had come to to be written in history as the beginning of the rebirth of the Warring Clans Period. Everyone in the Nura Clan and those who had came to give their sympathy and gratitude for the deceased Nurarihyon was all in the Nura Clan Headquarters/Household surrounding the sakura tree in tears and weeping of sorrow, even the Onmyoji Clan, the Kekkain Clan including their relatives the Okami Clan, had came to visit their old friends funeral. At this Moment Habaki was in his room in a state of nothingness with a blank expression, the small yokai in the Nura Clan looked and peaked in Habakis room whispering to talking about, Is the master ok?, but in fact he was not ok. Habakis mental state was out the wall the Chaos Fear he had involuntarily acquired shatter or scrambled his mind and memories, his personalities had broken apart and slammed into each as if they were clashing for control but this had finally end once it went blank and reset resulting in showing a younger Habaki crying. Why....why did everyone had to leave me alone....Otou-san...Oka-san...Oji-chan...why did my family have to leave me all alone., The child Habaki said as he continued to wipe the tears from his face. The sounds of footsteps echoed in the blank world. A silhouette of a person appeared from the blank world and walked towards the Young Habaki making a Shadow over him. It was a much older and mature version of the present Habaki. Such a poor child crying in front of me., He said smiling in front of the child. Who are you?, the boy said as he looked up at the older version of himself. Well thats a silly question I am Habaki Nura!, 5th Heir to the Nura Clan and future Lord of All of Pandemonium!, He said as he looked up laughing then suddenly gotten quiet. But in all seriousness, I am you....the you who you separated on that faithful day and in the process creating three more versions of ourselves. You gave them Memories and gave them our Goal, I on the other hand gave them emotions and personalities and set their skill set., He said as he continued to smile to the child. It doesnt matter anymore, once again I am all alone my Family is gone they all left me here to fend for myself!, He said as he looked the other way. Now dont say that didnt you here what the Old man said, My Nakama is My Family., He said as he still grinned at The young Habaki as if he was at peace. Nakama.....Family., He said as he didnt understand what the older Habaki was saying. Yea you didnt notice didnt you...., He said as he was showing images and clips of his adventures and bonds with his friends. { yo, names Habaki Nura!, Fifth Heir of the Nura Clan, and who might be., He said waving his hand to the female. My name is Hairi Yamabuki, Niece to Otohme Yamabuki and a member of the Onmyoji Clan, The Kekkain Clan.} The bonds he created with his aid, Hairi ( Allysa Santiago ), which showed him drinking Sake on the battlefield of Sekigahara, The 2nd Great Yokai, celebrating his fathers birthday and the clip of Him training with her as a witness and battles with her boyfriend, her brother, and her Sister who were in the wrong treating her in a way Habaki couldnt forgive. { Thank You...*Sniff*...Habaki....Thank You for reuniting me with my Brother!!...Thank You!, He said as he was crying. Im not Short!, He yelled at Hairi and Habaki. I wont let you touch Habaki, I am his Body guard after all., He said as he first clashed off with Leonitis, one of Sukuna Tenma. Then Showing Clips and Image of his bonds with Rin Ikkitatsu (Kohaku Hiraga). { my name is Vanessa and I am the Heir to the Yuki Clan., she said proudly. Habaki,I wish things would stay like this forever., she said as she lied on his chest. If you truly loved me, you would stay by my side despite the facts that your feelings will eventually become unrequented., He yelled her.} Then his Bonds with the woman who he does no longer feel the emotion called Love, Vanessa ( Daylan Bachand ) { I will not follow a Leader without any ambition nor will I see the Karasu-Tengu Clan fall along with the Nura Clan if thus said Leader falls from grace so Die respectively by my hands Nurarihyon!, He yells as he combats Habaki. It would seem that I misjudged Habaki-samas strength so now I will be accompanying you in your Hyakki Yakkou, he said nonchalantly. Eh!, everyone said except for Habaki. Thank you for being here Habaki., he said as he cried and mourned his Fathers dead body} Then his bonds with his Strategist General and now Head of the Tengu Clan, Yato Karasu (Tenma Nanaya) { My name is Ebu Ten, personal guard for Lord Yato., She said with a proud expression. Such a small lil twerp isnt she?..., He said while patting her head. Grrraaaggghhh, Dont call me a twerp you red haired Bastard!, she said yelling at him with her fist up showing that she hit him.} Then His bonds with the small body but fierce servant of Yato, Ebu Ten (Nilan Ketsueki) { Now what is a Yokai doing in the Kekkain Clan household., she said after firing a arrow at him. Damn that hurts, Hey!, watch where you shoot your god damn Onmyo arrows youll get someone killed!, he said as rubbed the spot where he was hit. Why do you choose me to be your love interest?, she said curiously. I dont know I guess it was just one of those things you know love at first sight., he said while trying to wrap his head on answering the question. The bonds with the woman who would catch his heart, Saki Okami. { Do you truly think that you can beat me Habaki!!! Of course I will I am gonna become the Lord of All of Pandemonium, Ketsueki!!!, they said as they clash swords with each other. Habaki were brothers right?.., he said as he extended his hand filled with his own blood. But of course, you are my right hand man Brother., He said as he too extended his filled hlwith his own blood and then shaked each others hand.} And Lastly his brother who had died at the Hands of Lee, Gentokuu Ketsueki Sekkekkyu. Nakama....My Nakama is my Family., The younger Habaki said dissolving all of his tears. Thats right, now lets go.....together...our family is waiting for us., He said as the two disappeared leaving grass on the Blank world inside Habakis Head. [ Chapter Continues in the Comments ]
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:30:43 +0000

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