“Many of us at Camp Bucca were concerned that instead of just - TopicsExpress


“Many of us at Camp Bucca were concerned that instead of just holding detainees, we had created a pressure cooker for extremism.”Soufan found each group offered the other something it lacked. In the ex-Baathists, jihadists found organizational skills and military discipline. In the jihadists, ex-Baathists found purpose. “In Bucca, the math changed as ideologies adopted military and bureaucratic traits and as bureaucrats became violent extremists,” the Soufan report said. He worked at the prison between 2006 and 2007, when it was glutted with tens of thousands of radicals, including Baghdadi. Many were guilty of attacking American soldiers. But many more were not — “simply being a ‘suspicious looking’ military-aged male in the vicinity of an attack was enough to land one behind bars,” according to the Times opinion piece. Shadid reported as much in 2009, confirming many viewed it “as an appalling miscarriage of justice where prisoners were not charged or permitted to see evidence against them [and] freed detainees may end up swelling the ranks of a subdued insurgency.” washingtonpost/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/11/04/how-an-american-prison-helped-ignite-the-islamic-state/?tid=hp_mm&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=%2ASituation%20Report&utm_campaign=Sit%20Rep%20November%204%202014
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:06:05 +0000

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