Mark says it right again about half way. What he isnt stressing - TopicsExpress


Mark says it right again about half way. What he isnt stressing enough is that our society needs to change away from the gross commercialism weve let control us since at least the Second World War. Life is everything in all aspects of our humanity and the environment and it is the one thing that cant be created in the lab by corporations -- I dont mean the chemistry, I mean the soul, the essence, what dwells within all creatures including humans beyond the chemistry. We need to get back to the real importance and meaning of life itself, the part that cant be marketed. Then everything; our food, clothing and shelter will return to be true manifestations of real living beings, not commercial artifacts. Presently, we are being smothered in junk. Our cloths; our buildings, our art and music, and our food -- all commercial junk. When we turn away from this commercial graft and rediscover what dwells within the physical manifestation as our true humanity, we will rediscover the food that can sustain life -- all life. So -- As far as Mark Bittman goes, hes right. But he needs to identify the real evil doers and provide the meaningful direction for social change inherent in the quality of LIFE itself. Food is nothing more than an extension. The focus needs to be on what life really is beyond the chemistry; the part the commercial markets cant control regardless of how they try. Foodies are still manipulators; they arent finding the essence of food as life itself. They remain tripped up by artifacts and unable to connect all the conflicting pieces. Soul food; meaning food that feeds the soul, comes closer. Then attach the soul of all living creatures, the planet, and the stars. Mark says = So shifting the implications of “foodie” means shifting our culture to one in which eaters — that’s everyone — realize that buying into the current food “system” means exploiting animals, people and the environment, and making ourselves sick. To change that, we have to change not only the way we behave as individuals but the way we behave as a society.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:48:00 +0000

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