McDaniel has only 1,800 votes to go... Thats right, you, the - TopicsExpress


McDaniel has only 1,800 votes to go... Thats right, you, the Tea Party Leadership Fund, and over 25,000 fellow patriots helped convince McDaniel into his critical fight to expose the lefts fraud against conservatives. With evidence of more than 5,000 illegal votes and climbing, we cannot stop now. We must find at least 1,800 more illegal votes to beat Thads narrow lead of 6,800 votes. How badly did Thad Cochran want to win? Enough to engage in race baiting, vote buying, voter intimidation, and what may be an attempt to pull federal authorities into a state election. This all proves Thad Cochran is a good-old-boy whos too deep in bed with the establishment to care about anything past the view of his Washington D.C. office. Well, I have 2 things to tell you! 1. The Tea Party Leadership Fund is offering a $15,000 bounty for evidence of Thad Cochran and the Mississippi Democrats massive voter fraud scheme that leads to this sham election being overturned. 2. Please, even if you dont have a tip, follow this link and donate at least $5 to our Mississippi Bounty so we can field the legal team to fight this battle. The Mississippi Bounty will bring in a flood of calls and messages which will all need to be fielded and vetted, lawyers will have to file complaints -- our first is already in the works! -- and fight Cochrans and his democratic allies attorneys, and the in-the-bag State GOP. This has the potential to become very expensive. Thats why we need your contribution right away. TODAY is the first calendar day after the election that the Mississippi Secretary of States office can accept challenges, and we need identify and file these challenges...before the window closes. Its only with your critical help that we were able to convince Chris McDaniel to stay in this fight. For Freedom, Rusty Humphries P.S. Now, we need your continued support to expose Cochrans corruption and boot the scum from his pork-filled office in Washington D.C. -- chip in $5 or more HERE. paracom.paramountcommunication/ct/20939251:21342909029:m:1:566961802:02FB67F3A272A6F6BC9F3A57FBA63063:r
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:19:05 +0000

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