“Merry Christmas,” to all you wonderful folk on this Thursday - TopicsExpress


“Merry Christmas,” to all you wonderful folk on this Thursday morning. Are we getting into the Christmas spirit? What is the Christmas spirit you may be asking? Well, I am sure glad that you asked! The Christmas spirit is getting excited about and celebrating the “fact” that Jesus Christ the Son of God, God the Son stepped out of heaven laid aside His Godly attributes, wrapped Himself in human flesh in order to pay our sin debt, so we could be saved. Amen! May I humbly ask you folks another question this morning? Do you love Jesus Christ, God? If your answer is yes, then can others tell that you do? Now having asked those questions, hear ye the Word of God. “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” (John 14:21) According to these Words of Jesus, we express our love for Him by obeying His commands. You see to love Jesus wholeheartedly, we must develop a lifestyle of obedience. Come on now, can I get a “Amen” bout here? You see, we will continually demonstrate our love by keeping Jesus commands. Folks am I correct in saying that love means more than words? Love requires commitment and action? Right? Hey, if we really love Christ, then we must prove it by obeying what he says in his Word, the Bible. Amen? And then in return, the Father and Jesus Himself love us. And get this, Jesus reveals himself, makes Himself known to those who love him. Wow, do you want to know God, I mean really know God, and His will in your life? Then love and obey Jesus Christ! Oh yea! Did you notice that in (John 14:21) Jesus said that He would “manifest” Himself to those who love and obey Him? The Greek word translated manifest means to appear, This statement of Jesus to “appear” to those who love and obey Him, includes all believers of all time, hey folks that is us. Jesus is in fact saying, all those who love and obey me, I will reveal myself as an invisible, spiritual presence, to them. Wow! Thank you Jesus! Now folks notice carefully that Jesus listed obedience “before” revelation. He said, in effect, Obey what you know and you will know more. The Scriptures contain many clear instructions for obedience that are never out of season. If we truly love God, we not only hang on his every word, but we also take our duties seriously. Hey, when we feel confused or lack answers, we should ask how we can follow through on directions he has already given. “Obey what you know and you will know more.” Yep, Amen! Folks love and obedience is the key to knowing God! Do you know God? Know and Obey Jesus Christ and you will! Loving You in Jesus Christ, Pastor David McGee
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:32:45 +0000

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