Michael -- It seems like every day when I wake up and - TopicsExpress


Michael -- It seems like every day when I wake up and open the newspaper, there’s a new Terry McAuliffe scandal breaking. Today, the Washington Times is reporting that yet another whistleblower from the Department of Homeland Security has stepped forward and said that Terry McAuliffes failed electric car company, GreenTech Automotive, was given special treatment due to the former DNC chairmans political connections. According to the whistleblower, GreenTechs foreign investors were provided visas despite potential national security threats. The latest account, of course, belies repeated claims by McAuliffe that he received no special treatment. This latest story comes just days after new revelations came to light about his involvement in a despicable scheme that profited off of the death of terminally ill individuals. Other investors of the scheme said they knew exactly how the investment worked, but McAuliffe continues to dodge reporters to avoid admitting that. Folks, this is the man who wants to be the next governor of Virginia – an office once held by the Virginians like Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. Without your help and support over the next week, Michael, Terry McAuliffe could become one of their successors. We cant allow that to happen. Unlike McAuliffe, I have always put the best interests of the Commonwealth and her people above myself. Thats exactly what Ill do as governor. Im the only candidate in this race with a positive vision for our future and a substantive plan to create 58,000 new jobs across Virginia. Ive fought for Virginia my entire life. Now I need your help in these last eight days. Will you chip in $20 or more to my campaign right now? On to Victory! Ken PAID FOR AND AUTHORIZED BY KEN CUCCINELLI FOR GOVERNOR -=-=- This email was sent to KickinMG@aol. To stop receiving emails, click here.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 09:35:58 +0000

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