Michael Aydinian > Exposing The Rotschilds-Talmud-The - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian > Exposing The Rotschilds-Talmud-The Protocols of Zion 55% - 45%? Youve got to be kidding me! For them to bring out that brainless bozo David Beckham means they were desperate. I know Cameron is a pathological liar & he does it a lot better than Tony Bliar but in the end Camerons lies were going stratospheric! They were more than desperate.......... yet they win by a whopping 10%? This is too big a victory - Im sorry but this election was rigged! Two years ago I said Cameron will be reelected no matter what! NOW I GUARANTEE IT! The Zionist cheats are over here in force. Did you honestly believe theyd allow NATOs power to shrink? Worse still could they allow a situation where if Scotland was given independence, it could start a ball rolling where other regions would decide to break away too? They couldnt afford to let this happen! Did you honestly believe the banks & the oil companies were prepared to let their interests in Scotland diminish? Why do you think the BBC & that cretin Nick Robinson were so outrageously biased? The BBC is supposed to be an outlet for news - it cannot have an opinion! Camerons response that this NO vote is enough for a generation, if not forever, tells me they do not want to have this problem again all too soon! However I love to know what this woman in the video has to say about her blatantly taking Yes votes & putting them onto the NO vote pile? Our elections, like Americas ARE ALL RIGGED! We are being taken for complete mugs! Take a look at this 3 minute clip & tell me if you dont think skulduggery was involved. I for one do not believe over half the Scottish people are that brainless - 25% perhaps; not 55%! Thanks to Emma Earle for the video. — via The GMM uk - Michael Aydinian
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:35:02 +0000

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