~Mir If you were awarded the most powerful position in the free - TopicsExpress


~Mir If you were awarded the most powerful position in the free world, what kind of people would you surround yourself with? As an American, if you were president, what kind of folks would you be taking advice from? If you’re like the rest of us, you’d probably want to be surrounded by people of like mind. People who have your same agenda and background. People who are experienced, informed, and influential in the departments, committees, and states, as well as internationally respected. Of course, honesty would be the most important quality. Am I right? Does that make sense? Then why does Obama surround himself with failures? The simple answer is because it draws attention away from his obvious shortcomings, like his failed attempt at being a leader, failure at being a diplomat, failure as a college student, and his abysmal inadequacy of the office of the United States President. Considering that he has yet to prove his eligibility to the satisfaction of experts, he should never have been allowed to run, much less does he deserve the title, the position, and definitely not the pay rate of holding the office. Of course, being a pawn does have its perks and the statement of his failure really depends on perspective. From Obama’s financiers’ point of view, he must be doing his job quite well. Judging just from the deeds and direction America is going at the hands of this administration, I can imagine he was hired as a hit-man, likely paid or promised a mind-blowing sum of money to do the job. Garnering several prestigious (albeit highly unwarranted) awards, he continues to run up huge bills that he doesn’t pay (remember that nagging little $35K tab for security costs at the campaign fundraiser in Corona del Mar? Neither does Obama!), pass legislation designed to overwhelm our financial and health systems, and appoint well-known losers with backgrounds strong in anti-Semitic and anti-American activities, as he condescends shamelessly to whatever group he happens to be speaking to. Of course, who doesn’t really appreciate how Obama jokingly demeans his American voting audience by feigning an accent to match the demographics. They all laugh along with him, assuming he’s just “one of the guys” (can we say “group lobotomy?”) because he runs through hamburgers, beer, and cigarettes like there’s no tomorrow. Yet, amid all this activity, Obama has not signed a single budget during his first reign of terror, and apparently hasn’t made it a priority in his second reign either. But that’s a topic all to itself that I could go on and on about. (We can’t say Obama hasn’t produced a budget. Congress hasn’t passed one to put on his desk, and even though they were outrageous spending bills, he did propose budgets to congress) As for other politicians, while they’re in front of you and me, they seem to see Obama as someone from whom they must protect their constituents. Yet when the chips are down, regardless of who elected them to their respective positions, suddenly their loyalty strays horribly away from We The People. This fact has become too abundantly clear on several issues, not least of which is the appointments of two Supreme Court justices, both of whom are staunchly opposed to our Second Amendment. Although we begged and pleaded with our representatives to deny their confirmations, they both sit contentedly on the panel of justices, smirking at us while we wring our hands and scratch our heads in confusion and aggravation, wondering if anyone is willing to stop this madness. Of course, another obstacle is his loyal following of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, extremely defensive devotees. (God forbid you give them facts! They turn almost rabid.) In the eyes of his blindly devoted, this man can do no wrong — and whatever he does for pleasure, he rightfully deserves. (Continuously spending money to jet around the globe, throw lavish celebrity galas, buy a few rounds of golf with Tiger Woods, etc.) After all, that empty chair in the Oval Office is only there to remind us of what a good job he is doing for our country, isn’t it? When you have “friends” in high places, a paid voter base who literally hang on to every word you speak and who is willing to go through hell and high water to keep you where you are, a pocketful of legislators to craft hidden clauses into ‘well-meaning’ bills and amendments, congressmen to tout the benefits “for the People” that these new laws are designed to give, and the judicial branch for the important job of determining the constitutionality of said laws right before they pass them without benefit of even reading them — what difference does it make where you’re from, who you are, and what you have or have not done? Failure or not, it appears as though we have all become “bumps in the road” to be discarded under the proverbial bus whenever the appropriate legislation is implemented. While we’ve all watched with dismay and disgust at his ascension to the “throne,” perhaps there is a glimmer of light in all this darkness — although very difficult to see through all the frenzied activity of his ever-faithful, state-run media hounds. I must admit that I tend to let my optimism override my common sense sometimes, because I absolutely hate to think that we were all so foolishly hospitable and actually stepped aside to let things get this far. After all, it’s not like we have never had problems in the past with corrupt politicians — just not of this magnitude. It’s pretty deep, this can of worms, and no matter how daunting it may seem, this task has been thrust into all our laps. It is time to start planning a strategy, to reorganize, and re-establish what our Founders created, fought and died for, and left to us to maintain. If you will think back, throughout all the blows this administration has delivered, each time the blow has been softened. When the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare came out, we had all expected better from Justice John Roberts. I can’t fault the man for doing his job — we would be fooling ourselves not to think he had made the ruling under duress. While there may be no hard evidence of it, deep in our hearts we do believe there was more than just a little “persuasion” from the Obama administration. Yet, Roberts went that extra mile, and I feel like he did this for us. With his ruling, Congress cannot compel American citizens to purchase anything — ever. States have the right to “opt out” of Obamacare by not participating in the exchanges. The Left thought they had won, but in the long run, they are finding out that is not the case. The awkward moment when a microphone caught Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev — discussing off the record some very questionable activities that would wait until Obama’s re-election when he “will have more flexibility” — was a dead giveaway about his sinister intentions. While that was not a very comforting moment, it did serve as a revealing insight just prior to the upcoming election of November 2012, so we knew then what to prepare for. Then, there was his gun grab — the stage had been set, everything was going according to plan — Obama just knew power and control over all Americans was going to be in his hands at the end of the day. But something completely different happened, and Obama blew his cool. He was practically frothing at the mouth over his failed attempt to limit our defenses and overrule the Second Amendment. Someone…voted…for us. Now Obama seems to have slipped out of sight. So many people who have held their silence for so long are finally speaking out — whatever kept them silent, we can only guess. We may never know who, or what, caused them to finally open up. Speculation makes me think that these men and women who are risking life and limb for what they’re doing take their courage from one source — the one who has been constantly omitted by Obama in his push to eliminate our faith and the one who has never left us — our Creator. So, Obama can surround himself with failures and losers all he wants; his decisions and appointments have only helped to expose him for what he is. Get out the fiddle, Nero; looks like Rome is about to catch fire…
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:55:53 +0000

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