More lafayette consolidated govt. Council Smoke and Mirror - TopicsExpress


More lafayette consolidated govt. Council Smoke and Mirror Sesspool of Corruption and financial fraud onto the lafayette general public . Same illegal lafayette airport commission formatted inconsistent with the constitution and lafayette charter section 1-05 ,by lcg council violating their authority, intentionally denying defrauding lafayette general public of legal representation on lafayette airport commission , Someone actuially elected by the lafayette general public to serve on lafayette air port commission and give legal accountability of commission and issues . while lcg and airport appointees illegally dictaing manipulating air port ballot initiatives in violation of voters rights act . lcg and airport commission denying state a.g. opinions on airport comission and public funds in violation of federal law color of law intentionally defrauding denying lafayette citizens their constitutional rights to true legal accountability of all lcg govt . WILL VOTE NO ON LAFAYETTE DICTATED AIRPORT TAXES , TO BUILD HANGERS FOR PRIVATE JETS , NOT BEING OF THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE ALONE AND WITH ILLEGAL DICTATED AIRPORT BALLOT INITIATIVE VIOLATING VOTERS RIGHTS ACT. WHILE NO -CREADABILITY LOUISIANA SECRETARY OF STATE AND LOUISIANA BOND COMMISSION APROVE ILLEGAL LAFAYETTE BALLOT I NTIATIVES ONTO THE GENERAL PUBLIC . WHILE LAFAYETTE VOTERS OF REGISTRAS OFFICE REFUSESTO TAKE VOTERS RIGHTS COMPLAINTS FROM LAFAYETTE CITIZENS ON ILLEGAL LAFAYETTE ELECTIONS AND BALLOT INITIATIVES
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:49:56 +0000

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