“Mother Mary comes to me”. “And the wind, it cries - TopicsExpress


“Mother Mary comes to me”. “And the wind, it cries Mary” Jesus was born from Mary Mary created Jesus? Who created Mary? When you see one (+) (,) who was not born of woman, fall on your faces and worship, that one is your Father. Jesus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God came to earth, as Jesus. “And the word became flesh” Man has man ip u lated, the bible; he has manipulated the words of Jesus. When you see (+) (,) what does it represent to you? (,) is\was missing from the text, the (+) is what I had to add to show you the truth. Men have manipulated you. ma•nip•u•late məˈnipyəˌlāt/ verb 1. 1. Handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skilful manner. he manipulated the dials of the set Control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously. The masses were deceived and manipulated by a tiny group synonyms:control, influence, use/turn to ones advantage, exploit, maneuver,engineer, steer, direct, gerrymander; twist someone around ones little finger the government tried to manipulate the situation Maneuver ma•neu•ver məˈno͞ovər/ noun 1. 1. a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care. spectacular jumps and other daring maneuvers synonyms: operation, exercise, activity, move, movement, action a tricky parking maneuver a large-scale military exercise of troops, warships, and other forces. the Russian vessel was on maneuvers synonyms:training exercises, exercises, war games, operations military maneuvers verb 1. 1. move skillfully or carefully. the truck was unable to maneuver comfortably in the narrow street synonyms:steer, guide, drive, negotiate, navigate, pilot, direct, manipulate,move, work, jockey I maneuvered the car into the space 2. 2. carefully guide or manipulate (someone or something) in order to achieve an end. they were maneuvering him into a betrayal of his countryman synonyms: intrigue, plot, scheme, plan, lay plans, conspire, pull strings he began maneuvering for the party leadership Manipulated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the domain of Heaven. Read, between the missing words, that is the truth. There is nothing, between the missing lines, but lies. Peter
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 03:17:58 +0000

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