Mr. Al-Malik Farrakhan does what he does from his heart and not - TopicsExpress


Mr. Al-Malik Farrakhan does what he does from his heart and not for show. I have worked with him on projects in recent years and got to see and know a very complicated man, but nonetheless, a man who stands up and speaks out on injustices that impacts, in particular, black people, everywhere. At this past Six Months Moratorium on Stopping The Killing Cookout/Amateur Boxing Match in Association with Universal Madness, I interviewed several people who told me what Mr. Farrakhan means to them. I will share just couple of them. I interviewed Leonard Cooper who says he came to the event because, Thats my pops; I had to support my pops. He says the man he came to affectionately calling pops has done a lot for him. Marcus Jackson told me about a very dark period in his life (which he gave me permission to share, but I will do so at another time because his story is in-depth. Personally I feel that he never should have been locked up). Anyway, he shared with me how much Mr. Farrakhan means to him and told me about the instrumental role he played in his life to help him become the man, and successful entrepreneur that he is today. By the way, those are only two of many recent testimonies. There are others from over the years told to me by the very people who say Mr. Farrakhan impacted their lives in a positive way. For example, Mr. Farrakhan and I were together when a man rounded a corner at a mall in Maryland. Both he and Mr. Farrakhan were looking at each other like, I know I know you. The closer the man got, Mr. Farrakhan whispered to me, Hes a former Cease Fire... member. After a brief introduction and convrsation, I learned the man is now an ordained minister. Grinning, the former member and ordained minister told me how he used to love going to Cease Fire ... Dont Smoke The Brothers & Sisters, Inc.’s Community Center for the daily activities. He says he especially loved being there on the occasions when Mr. Farrakhan would take a group out to a restaurant to eat. The minister declared: My first experience eating in a restaurant was with Mr. Farrakhan and Ill never forget it. He praised Mr. Farrakhan for helping put him on the right path. Just one more story. This happened about two months ago. Mr. Farrakhan had dropped me off to run in a store while he ran a quick errand. I was in the store for about 20 minutes when I heard while shopping in the rear of the store a voiced I recognized that belonged to a store employee. The store associate shouted out, CEASE FIRE! twice. I told myself, either Mr. Farrakhan is in the store or the truck with its recognizable name and logo colors is parked in front of the store. Being a public figure and one who has continuously been engaged with the community for many years, he is known and recognized by many. When I walked up to stand in line, I saw the truck parked in front of the store and wrongly assumed that Mr. Farrakhan was sitting in it. WRONG! Well, Mr. Farrakhan had sneaked up behind. The store associate who hollered out CEASE FIRE! was standing near the front of the store, nearest the door. I asked Mr. Farrakhan if he recognized him, he answered, no. I then asked if he heard the young man when he shouted, CEASE FIRE! at least twice, again his answer was no. Mr. Farrakhan walked over to the associate and introduced himself. Well, to make a long story short, the store associate thanked Mr. Farrakhan over and over and over again for having provided him with direction when he was much younger, he said. He told Mr. Farrakhan that he remembered him and then shared with Mr. Farrakhan how he used to frequent Cease Fire... Dont Smoke The Brothers & Sisters, Inc. Community Center on 14th Street, N.W. The store associate told Mr. Farrakhan that he was going down the wrong path before he hooked up with Cease Fire … DSTB& Sisters and credits the organization for providing him a compass that pointed him on the right road. For a professed former gangster, yes, I can personally attest that Mr. Al-Malik Farrakhan, founder and executive director of Cease Fire ... Dont Smoke The Brothers & Sisters, Inc., has indeed turned his life around to help others and to better the lot for black people everywhere. I certainly appreciate his dedication. Remember Cease Fire ... Dont Smoke The Brothers & Sisters, Inc. this year when you give a tax-deductible contribution to a nonprofit. Cease Fire ... Dont Smoke The Brohers & Sisters, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Make check or money order payable to: Cease Fire ... DSTB&S 4708 - 14th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20011 Or you can donate through paypal: https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=H3YK5WFQUQVHY. Federal government employees can contribute the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #73886)Thanks. - Charlotte
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:42:06 +0000

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