Mr. Ban Ki-moon: UN patron - Mr. - Esquire: Hello and after: - TopicsExpress


Mr. Ban Ki-moon: UN patron - Mr. - Esquire: Hello and after: State of Israel committed the worst crimes of the Zionist war on the ground - Use all the taboos and taboo warfare that tuned in accordance with the international law, treaties and conventions internationalism - Kill babies and boys and children, the disabled and the mentally ill deficit and kill women and mothers kill parents and grandparents The eyes of the most prominent and visible leaders of the hardest world order latest techniques used internationally prohibited war against unarmed people United States Almichdqh basic freedoms and human rights, permitting, and did not move residents and West Asia and Africa, almost in silence terrible either Arabs consider them in the basket of oblivion .... Mr. Ban Ki-moon Esquire Is it not of legal Tabiatkm invite UN Security Council to convene an emergency how this under control and very internationalist law and international norms. Today invites you to be a man, and you trust and the trustee in charge of the first on the safety of the homeland and the people to intervene immediately using what you of relevant legal and literary and moral conventions and treaties, according to the hybrid evidence and clear That this war = war of extermination of the people of Muslim Arab unarmed irresistible for self-determination You know that Palestine was raped during the year, 48 of the last century and came forum internationalist Jews and give them the land of Palestine, unlike formulas and legislations cosmic world knows that the Zionist entity and Israel in particular the existence of a community is contrary to international conventions and even divine laws has recommended Booze Balturat the Bible and the Koran ... What is the guilt people just unarmed and merely tools and needs Alassayash constituent of life ..... and of all rights Viamha Ptguetalh and arbitrariness by the decisions of the old and unprecedented in the charts, the violation of the human being, the spectrum of the leaders of the European wars previously Grarahrb cosmic second to go this people victim of mistakes those painful phase of human history. And the world by the unprecedented and unplanned leaders cosmic wars I and II,,, Malk whole please of care Ganab: immediate intervention and compulsory whatever you from the weight of the power internationalism to stop this crime fighter internationally banned the relevance of law and international norms and compel Israel to immediately cease their attacks criminal criminal violation of the laws of heaven and earth and you are the expert and competent as your respect connected to Thakev stop Alaanda Israeli sin immediately and compel the ruling Alasraúla evacuate all the dust of Gaza and the achievement of peace, security and peace for the people of Gaza and the whole of Palestine and peace ... World Association for Human Rights and Freedoms and the basic A Meh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Chebbi: professor of international law and international relations, human rights and freedoms of fundamental and general Tunisia on 22 July 2014 Photo
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:05:22 +0000

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