(*) Msg: Plz read till the End! Part 1 of 2 Today I come to you - TopicsExpress


(*) Msg: Plz read till the End! Part 1 of 2 Today I come to you with a very simple act……an action which you do every day five times a day and may be more…… All of us in shaa Allah pray our five prayers everyday…… I noticed many of us go to Rukuu or Sujoud and raise up so fast, some don’t even take the time to say Subhana Rabi Al Adheem 3 times…and say it only once!!!!. Well, I have good news for you today…… I have news that will make you from today onwards go to Rukuu or Sujoud with a different feeling and different timing. قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ( إن العبد إذا قام يصلي أتي بذنوبه كلها ، فوضعت على رأسه وعاتقيه ، فكلما ركع أو سجد تساقطت عنه( The Prophet PBUH said: When a slave stands and prays, all his sins are brought and placed on his head and shoulders. Every time he bows or prostrates, some of them fall from him.” (Bayhaqi, Saheeh al-Jami’) So from now on when you stand up to pray, imagine all your sins being placed on your head and shoulders and when you go on Rukuu and Sujoud, stay longer to lose as many as you can and picture them falling down and away from you. Understand the purpose of praying…this will help you concentrate ….. When you go to the position of Rukuu, feel and tell Allah with your heart that you will never kneel to anyone but him and picture those sins falling down. And when you say Sami Allah hulmanhamidah (Allah hears who thanks Him) and you say Rabbana walakal Hamd (Thanks to you my lord) you are thanking Him for honoring you and making you stand straight not like the other creatures who walk on four with their back bent. Thank Him for making you able to move and pray. When you go to the first Sajdah (you put your head down on the floor) you are representing the earth which you came from and when you get up after the first Sajdah you are representing the first time He created you from the earth.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:55:47 +0000

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