#MuḥammadanFridays: Almost every mosque in the West has a PA - TopicsExpress


#MuḥammadanFridays: Almost every mosque in the West has a PA system that amplifies the sound to the attendees, today during Jumu’ah I had to pray outside in an area where we could barely hear the Imām. So it got me thinking about how the Prophet (ﷺ) would communicate with his devotees. He (ﷺ) spoke little, his silences were long, he (ﷺ) often repeated what he said, usually 3 times to ensure he was heard. People were in awe when he did speak, especially when he (ﷺ) recited the Qurʾān. He (ﷺ) had a miraculous quality in that his voice was far beyond the range of other humans. It is said that he (ﷺ) was delivering a sermon at Jumu’ah in Madīnah and said to the people “Sit down” ʿAbd-Allāh ibn Rawāḥa who was a few houses away on his way to the mosque, heard it and immediately sat down! Subḥān’Allāh. On the farewell pilgrimage, where he (ﷺ) delivered that famous sermon, he (ﷺ) did so without a megaphone or speakerphone, and every single person heard him, even those that were in tents scattered around the valley, just to give some context, when he (ﷺ) set out he was accompanied by some 30,000 men and women. Communication is an important skill, one that is occasionally overlooked, the ability to convey an important message simply and directly to others is no mean feat. What’s is important is not just what you say, but how you say it. We also need to make sure we are listening, silence is just as important. His (ﷺ) words are timeless, they penetrate even the darkest of hearts to this day, simply put: next to the Qurʾān, no words ever expressed meanings so intense; so rich, yet were said with such clarity. Ṣalla Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:15:56 +0000

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