My Grandma Howell used to tell me that was the best sermon - TopicsExpress


My Grandma Howell used to tell me that was the best sermon Ive ever heard, whenever she heard me preach. Of course, shes the kind of lady that never fully listened to a sermon in church anyway. I know because I used to sit next to her. I mean shes the one that taught me how to open a piece of candy in church quietly. Shes the one that encouraged doodling and note passing on the bulletin. Shes the one that would plan the party on the insert. And shes the one that would get me in trouble with my mom for being restless, and then just look forward and smile like she had nothing to do with it. So I know when she said it was the best sermon shed ever heard, it was either because she didnt really hear mine or she hadnt really heard that many others to begin with. One time I said, Oh, Grandma, if I got up there and talked about chicken scratch you would think its good. She smiled and said, Well, its true. (It was the same sly smile, by the way.) Which leads me to another truism about sermons that I have discovered over the years: music has everything to do with the quality of the sermon. Did you know that music carries about 60% of the weight in determining the effectiveness of a worship service. The highest any other single element of worship carries is around 10% - prayers, communion, preaching, etc. If I get up there and preach my heart out and its one of the most theological brilliant sermons I can muster, and the music in church that day is so-so, people will come out and say That was a good sermon pastor. But if I get up there and preach a really poor sermon, dont but much forethought into it, and it amounts to whole lot of chicken scratch, but the music is over-the-top, awesome and moving, people will come out and say, Thats the best sermon Ive ever heard preacher. Well, its true. Thats why the Personnel Team is taking some time to look seriously at the overall music program at Creekwood as we contemplate our next hire. We have the opportunity to reflect on the direction and unity of our music program as it relates to sharing the gospel and growing the church. The team is interested in your thoughts. You can help shape the direction by taking the brief music ministry survey at the link below: https://surveymonkey/s/CCCMusicSurvey032014 This weekend we will continue our Rock and Roll Faith sermon series as we travel with Jesus, Peter and the other disciples to Caesarea Philippi. You can find the story in Matthew 16:13-25. Its here that Jesus calls Peter the rock upon which the church will be built. Its here, too, that we will learn about one of my grandmothers other favorite sayings. Hope to see you Sunday. Rock and Roll Blessings, Jeff Howell
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:14:03 +0000

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