-My Journey To Now- I was asked last night on where I fall - TopicsExpress


-My Journey To Now- I was asked last night on where I fall spiritually in conjunction to my political view. This is a great question. I had to figure out how to word this. I believe my political journey is born for my years of finding myself spiritually. Spiritually I began my journey after my grandfather passed away in the 1990’s. I wanted to understand what happens to us after we pass. I couldn’t come to terms with “once you die it was over.” I had a tremendous fear of death and could not believe that it could all just end. There had to be more to it. I began studying all religions. I was raised Catholic but felt I was only aloud to believe what was being read to me in a book and there was no freedom to find myself. I attended a Tao temple, took classes at the Kabbalah center in NYC and just started researching. I was intrigued with the idea of passed lives and reincarnation. I started reading books by the Dalai Lama and took seminars with Dr. Brian Weiss. I am also guilty of reading books by Sylvia Brown. I was fascinated with past lives. I started regression meditation. I began feeling an immense relief and with the deep meditation I became more in tune with energy and the spiritual world. I would feel my grandfather around me. I would see signs he was sending and I felt so happy and began understanding what my soul meant. Who we are on this planet and how we got here. I had no fear of death and felt a perfuse freedom in my soul. I was no longer this physical being going through life as it was dealt. I came to realize it was so much more than that. My soul is who I am and my life, including all the challenges that have come my way, were there in a chart that I had written before I entered this world. Sounds insane, I know. I firmly believe that we choose rebirth to perfect our souls to make us stronger each and every time. I believe that our souls travel together. We have multiple soul mates and our relationships and feelings are translated from our past lives. My daughter may have once been my sister. My mother may once have been my daughter. My husband may have once been my teacher. Understanding this helps understand how we deal with those in our current life. What is important is that we understand that our soul grows perfects in a positive state. We continuously need to remind ourselves to not give in to the negative vibrations that surround us. The negative energy is what helps us challenge ourselves to become better and stronger and over come our trials. So knowing this I know I have no place in my existence for envy, hate, dishonestly, greed, etc. It is so cliché but I am a “Free Spirit”. I yearn for freedom. I began studying US history more in depth. It was triggered with a connection in a conversation with my father. My father is faithfully researching his ancestry. He loves anything “civil war.” So why not learn more about what moves him, right? So I started studying “America” and this great nation. I will not go into detail but the history was a constant struggle for freedom from all angles. I grew up in Germany and US history was not a study requirement. But I fell in love with America. I have always been proud to be American but I fell in love with our principles. FREEDOM. I was a groupie to this great nation. I then found out what was hidden behind it. What it once was is not what it is today. Actually, it hasn’t been that for a while. All that I do not tolerate... The greed, envy, hate, dishonesty was controlling the nation I fell so in love with. It’s the most evil force and I am speechless daily on what they are capable of. It is more than just government. It is a global movement. It bothers me daily that I have a world of friends, family and strangers living in this great nation that do not understand what is really happening. We have a right to freedom. Freedom to live our lives,,,,find ourselves. I had the privilege to spend time with my grandmother who past away two years ago in Germany. I asked her about WW2 and her experiences. The words that came through this beautiful woman were real. Real that she watched her friends being driven away by Nazi soldiers to the camps. Real that there were bombings. Real that the man she loved cam back from a war shot in the lung. She is real and her experience is real. What makes us think this cannot be true for use one day? Whatever will come it will. My spiritual journey has made be accept my fears of death. So I am not scared. The unknown does give me a heap of anxiety. The “religious biblical” followers believe the end of the world is here. I do not follow a concrete religion. Therefore, it is hard for me to read scriptures and follow them whole-heartedly. Does it feel like the world is coming to an end? DAMN RIGHT! If they are right then there is nothing we can do. Know this, we are stronger that we know. Government wants us to harbor fear. Fear is the worst negative force out there. Fear is how they control the masses. It stops us from growing and solidifying strength. We are all better than that. We are all spiritual souls on a journey. What will happen will happen. We have all written it in our chart. What will we learn from this? What will make us stronger? And what will secure our freedom? Find your journey, be vocal and live a strong and positive life. Love and be happy for what you have and bless those around you. I am grateful for your follows. Who knows were may have all been in the same classroom in a past life. I feel blessed. Thanks for reading!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 01:41:42 +0000

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